
DIY Christmas Glitter Phone Case

Christmas is just around the corner. Having a christmas phone cases is the perfect accessory to complete your outfit! Here’s a DIY project - DIY Christmas glitter phone case that is easy and fun to do.


Don't Text While Parenting

A new study from Boston Medical Center reveals that parents who get absorbed by email, games or other apps have more negative interactions with their children, making them feel like they're competing for attention with their parents' gadgets.


10 Symptoms in Dogs that Need Vet Attention

 When your dog starts acting strangely or seems a little inexplicably “off,” it’s often impossible to know whether to take a wait-and-see approach, or hit the panic button. This is especially true when the symptoms are characteristic of certain benign conditions as well as life threatening disorders.


Why You Don't Need to Shower With Soap

Repeatedly killing off the good bacteria on our skin may actually harm our immunity.

Most of us think of germs as ‘dirty’—and dangerous. But as you’ve probably heard, you’re crawling with bugs, and these microbes are crucial for digestion, skin health, and immunity. People now know to take it easy on antibiotics and eat lots of fermented foods, but our squeaky-clean lifestyle is still a big problem. 

Why? Regular contact with dirt and grime teaches your microbiome how to recognize friendly germs versus foes. Here are some tips for swapping out our super clean lifestyle for one that’s filled with more bugs.

First things first, what’s wrong with soap?

There’s a role for the occasional bar of soap when we’re particularly grubby, but a mild soap made from organic ingredients, rather than anti-bacterial soaps that are often full of harsh chemicals, is definitely the way to go. By scouring ourselves in the shower every day, we are actually stripping our skin of bacteria that keep us acne- and eczema-free. Unless you’ve just finished a Mud Run, the only places that need daily soaping are your armpits and groin. The rest of your body does fine with a rinse—even after a sweaty workout.

Dirt doesn’t cause disease—but repeatedly killing off the good bacteria on our skin may actually harm our immunity. Think about that the next time you swap a little bit of dirt for some body wash.

What is one thing that most people do in terms of cleanliness that is unnecessary?

Harsh hand sanitizers! Unless you’ve been hanging out on an Ebola ward, the vast majority of microbes on your skin and hands are not virulent germs that cause serious infection; they’re harmless bacteria that won’t hurt you.

Even during cold and flu season?

Yes, you should take a bit more precaution when your co-workers are coughing and sneezing non-stop. But you still don’t need anti-bacterial soaps and cleansers; those work against bacteria, and the common cold and flu is caused by a virus. All that’s necessary during cold and flu season is regularly washing hands with all-natural soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. This dislodges viruses and bacteria, so they wash down the drain, whereas antibacterial soaps expose you to antibiotics you don’t need in your life.

What are some other ways we can “live dirty” in our everyday lives?

Rinse with just water in the tub or shower, and skip the antibacterial soaps and shampoos. Also, spending just one day on a farm can better your microbiome. So volunteer at a community garden, or simply sit in the grass at the park. Even little things can do a lot over time. Open a window in your house or car to let some good microbes in. Buy food from the farmer’s market that you know is grown in real soil, rather than produced in a factory. Try to keep in mind that in general, soil-derived microbes are good!

You see, you don't usually need to shower with a soap. But you need a bath towel to dry your body. Come to snapmade.com to get your own custom towel.


6 Signs that your dogs use to show their big love they got for you

Unfortunately dogs can’t talk, Therefore is really difficult for them sometimes to show you their big love. Because they got big love for you. You are the most important thing they have in their whole life. So since dogs can’t talk, it is up to us to ready their body language and understand what they want to say. Here I will show you 6 signs that dogs use to show their big love towards you. After reading this post, pay more attention to your dog’s signs and see how can you relate the information here, with your puppy at home. If you think this helped a little, don’t hesitate to share with your friends.


15 Best Fruits For Fast Weight Loss

Fruits are not only a great source of vitamins, nutrients and fiber for us, they are actually a great food source for people looking to lose weight as well.


Eating Candy Leaves An Indelible Mark on Your Brain

Eating sweet foods causes the brain to form a memory, which can ultimately encourage a person to eat more, experts believe.



DIY Halloween Mug

Halloween is just around the corner. In today's diy project, I will tell you how to make the halloween mug. Now, let's get started:


The Eldest Children Are Usually Smarter

The youngest child may be given the freedom to do what they want but it is the eldest child who gets the brains.

A study found that first-born in a family tends to be the smartest – and each successive sibling is slightly less bright.

What is more, younger children actually think of themselves as being less intelligent than their big brothers and sisters.

The actual difference is small – with IQ dropping about 1.5 IQ points per sibling. 

But it may help explain why eldest children often do so well in life.

The German researchers aren't sure why big brothers and sisters seem to be blessed with brains but say it could be because they benefit from their parents’ undivided attention – at least until a pesky little brother or sister comes along.

It is also possible that the eldest child’s brainpower gets a boost from teaching his or her siblings about the ways of the world.

The Leipzig University researchers analysed the results of three national studies, including one from the UK, involving more than 20,000 people in total. 

Data included results of IQ and personality tests. Families with more than four children were excluded because there were too few of them to provide meaningful input.

Analysis showed a clear drop in IQ, as well as in the person’s own perception of their intelligence, with each extra sibling.

However, no differences in personality were found, despite some previous studies claiming birth order affects character traits such as extraversion and reliability.

Researcher Julia Rohrer said the question of whether a person’s birth order affects their character has long fascinated the public and scientists alike.

She said that while she didn’t examine why eldest children tend to be brainier, the reason likely lies in upbringing.

Dr Rohrer said: ‘One theory is that following children “dilute” the resources of their parents.

‘While the firstborn gets full parental attention, at least for some months or years, late-borns will have to share from the beginning.

‘Another possible factor is described by the tutoring hypothesis: A firstborn can “tutor” their younger siblings, explaining to them how the world works and so on.

‘Teaching other people has high cognitive demands – the children need to recall their own knowledge, structure it and think of a good way to explain it to younger siblings, which could provide a boost to intelligence for some firstborns.’

However, eldest children shouldn’t gloat, because they won’t always be the cleverest.

According to Dr Rohrer’s calculations, in a two-child family, the eldest will have the higher IQ six times in ten, a statistic that still gives younger children opportunity to shine.

Finally, biology may also play a role, with younger children more prone to genetic problems because their parents are older when they are conceived. 

However, with previous work showing that second-born child is raised as the eldest, after the first-born died in infancy, their intelligence is a par with other first-borns, it is thought that biology is less important than upbringing.

 (Visit Snapmade to find the personalized gifts)




Study Tips to Stick to This Fall

Fall semester has begun, and just weeks into new classes, we are already overwhelmed. While juggling classes, clubs, internships, volunteer work, spending time with friends, calling home to the family and having time to relax, we’re in over our heads from the get-go.


Make Glitter Tumbler by Yourself No matter who you are, if you needs a cup, tumbler is always a good choice. It can hold hot and cold liquids, and easy to travel with. You can easily make your own glitter tumbler by yourself.



How to Make a Wall Mirror

Today I want to show you guys a very funny diy project - diy wall mirror. It is very cool! Now let's get started:


World Beard Day

Bearded folks and the people who love them are celebrating facial hair Saturday for World Beard Day.

Whether you prefer a goatee, Van Dyke, mutton chops, or chin curtain, there are various ways to mark the annual event, which falls on the first Saturday in September.

First, make sure you brush up on beard facts. The longest beard in the world, grown by Hans Langseth in 1927, was a staggering 17 feet 6 inches long. The Smithsonian Museum in Washington has his beard in storage. The second longest beard measured in at 12 feet long.

It's a made for social media holiday, with bros, sports teams and even women sharing their most impressive whiskers.

Whatever you do at World Beard Day, don't break the honored rule, no shaving!

If you want to make some personalized gifts to celebrate the World Beard Day, you can come to snapmade.com. Here you can customize the personalized mugs, t-shirts, hats.....with the beard design. Wow, that's cool!

Stress at Work is as Bad as Secondhand Smoke

According to a new study, workplace stress isn't just annoying -- it's as bad for your health as secondhand smoke.


Is this the saddest little bookworm in the world?

It's not unusual for readers to wipe away tears of emotion after finishing a good novel. But look at the picture, this baby who wear a blue 'The snuggle is real' custom t-shirt may just lay claim to being the saddest little bookworm in the world.

Adorable footage has emerged of a young mother, reading her tiny child a story - only for the tot to burst into tears when it comes to an end.

The unnamed mother and baby sit on the floor as she reads out a children's tale called 'I am a Bunny' which appears to captivate the youngster.

The child can only be calmed when his mother reopens the book and starts to read once more saying 'let's read it again'.

But with the last page-turn the baby is in tears once more - almost inconsolable as the story finishes.

As the video pans to the baby's loving mother, she smiles and shrugs her shoulders as though it is not an uncommon occurrence.

The video, which has been widely shared on the internet, then shows four other occasions when the child has had a meltdown when a story ends.

The baby is so cute!!!



I carry an iPad with me at all times, use it almost as much as my phone. Made this cover today out of some leftover faux leather to protect it and give it a bit more of a luxe feel.

A nap a day could save your life

Research suggests a daily nap could reduce blood pressure and stave off heart attacks.


10 Signs that You are in Love

1. You get butterflies

One of the sure signs that you are falling on love is when you see that person your stomach has so many butterflies that it feels like it's literally going to explode. There comes a point when see him or her and you just can’t stop smiling. He basically gives you that warm fuzzy feeling that makes you feel all tingly inside.


National Dog Day

Wednesday is National Dog Day, a celebration of man's best friend. Founded in 2004, National Dog Day is intended to be an observance to both honor your pets and remember how many dogs still need to be rescued.

Expectant mothers' diet related to baby heart risk

Researchers believe that women who eat healthily before and during pregnancy may cut the risk of their baby developing a heart problem.

In the study, half of the women had babies with heart problems while the other half did not.

When the researchers compared the diets of these two groups they found a healthier maternal diet was associated with a lower chance of congenital heart defects.

Pregnant women in the top 25% of diet quality, had a lower risk of having a baby with certain heart defects - atrial septal defects and Tetralogy of Fallot - than those in the bottom 25%, even after accounting for other factors such as whether the mother took folic acid or was a smoker.

Congenital heart disease is one of the most common types of birth defect, affecting up to nine in every 1,000 babies born in the UK.

Mild defects, such as holes in the heart, often don't need to be treated, as they may improve on their own and may not cause any further problems. But others can be more serious and some, lethal.

In most cases, something has gone wrong in the early development of the foetus. Some heart conditions are due to faulty genes or chromosomes. But often it is unclear why the baby's heart has not developed normally.

This is an interesting study which highlights the importance of diet right from the start of life.

A healthy diet before, during and after pregnancy can have benefits for both mother and child and, as seen here, the whole diet should be taken into consideration, rather than solely focusing on individual nutrients. Eating well isn't a guaranteed way to avoid congenital heart defects, but this will be another factor that will motivate women planning a pregnancy to make healthy choices.

Are you ready to be a mummy? Be sure to eat healthy. Seeking the gifts for your coming baby? Visit snapmade.com, here you can create the custom baby's clothing, custom bibs, etc.



DIY Notebook Sewn Tote Bag

Want to seek some funny back to school project for the new school term? Here I want to show you how to make a notebook sewn tote bag. It is the perfect back to school project.


DIY Back-to-School Notebook Lined Tee

I know we don't want to think about it, but it's almost time for school to start. Are you thinking about giving some special back-to-school gifts for your child? Here I want to share a notebook lined tee project with you. It is super easy. You can make this personalized tee for your child by yourself.

Elderly Couple "Together Since 1952"

Recently, a picture of an elderly couple become an Internet hit.


Toddler's vocabulary at 2 can prodict their future success?

Toddler's vocabulary at 2 can prodict their future success? The answer is YES. Researchers have claimed that child's vocabulary at age two could reveal their future success.


DIY iPhone Cases

I have today a super fun tutorial just for you my dear friends! How to give your phone case a new look!


* glitter
* tinsel or streamers
* Mod Podge
* brushes
* paint
* scissors and/or hole punch
* clear iPhone case


1. Assemble your glitter components. I used about a tablespoon-sized amount of glitter, tinsel and hand-cut streamers. To make the streamer parallelograms, I took a few strands and cut them long ways and then bunched them in a group and cut at an angle.

2. Working on one phone at a time, coat the inside of the case with a thin layer of Mod Podge. Distribute your glittery elements the way you’d like, dropping them from above or gently placing them with the tip of your finger. Try not to smudge or move the Mod Podge too much or you’ll leave a smear.

3. When your Mod Podge is totally dry, remove any excess glitter elements that didn't full adhere, and either apply another coat and more glitter or move on to your paint.

4. Apply a thin layer of paint and wait for it to fully dry. I did two thin coats on each phone. 5. Once the paint has fully dried, apply a final thin coat of Mod Podge to seal the paint.

Attach this personalized phone case to your phone, and you’re done!


Do you get enough sleep?

We’re all familiar with the old proverb "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise". But since the advent of electricity, the amount of sleep we are getting has been in steady decline.

We spend nearly a third of our lives asleep but how much sleep an individual takes and actually needs can vary greatly.

In many cultures an afternoon nap or siesta is a way of life and the health benefits are impressive with increased stamina, reduced heart disease, improved mental ability and better moods.

Studies have shown that a one hour nap can actually improve our mental alertness by up to 10 hours.

Lots of mammals sleep irregularly throughout the day too, it's just us humans that choose to sleep in large chunks throughout the night. 

We're actually pre-programmed to sleep twice a day with our perfect nap zones around 2am and 2pm which explains why we're often tired after lunch, especially after eating carbohydrates which contain tryptophan that can make us drowsy. 

Having an extra hour's sleep each night can really make a difference to a person's health? Researches suggest that getting closer to eight hours of sleep a night can make a huge difference to your health in just a few days and potentially be even more beneficial than hitting the gym. Remember, if you're feeling sleepy during the day it's your body's way of telling you that you need more sleep.

Staying up at night does harm to your health. Hang a clock on the wall or wear a custom watch on the hand to remind you the time to sleep.


DIY Stamped Watermelon Doormat by Yourself

Usually,a doormat is quite necessary in your house if you do not want to let your doormat get dirty. Here I want to introduce the diy stamped watermelon doormat to you.


Baby and Dog Share the Same Birthday

 Dog’s are often called “man’s best friend.”Mankind's bond with canines often goes over and above what we'd expect, whether it's us saving dogs or them saving us. But this little pup's bond with a newborn baby is the most heartfelt, precious thing we've seen in a long time.

DIY Photo Canvas

Hi my dear friends! Today I want to share a diy photo canvas tutorial with you. Now, here we go.


Sleeping less than 6 Hours a Night is Seriously Bad for Your Health

Multiple studies have shown that a lack of sleep is associated with other problems such as diabetes and heart disease - with the sleep-deprived 12% more likely to die prematurely.

The middle-aged will be targeted by a major publicity drive in the Press and online, aiming to help them live more healthy lifestyles and reduce the risk of serious illness.

Health bosses fear that the age group is often 'neglected' because people focus more on the health problems suffered by children and the elderly.

Along with more traditional lifestyle changes such as giving up smoking and eating healthier, the over-40s will be told to ensure they get enough sleep. 

Research has found that failing to get enough sleep can have deadly consequences, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes as well as obesity.

Scientists say that sleep deprivation upsets the balance of key hormones leptin and ghrelin, which regulate the appetite and help us know when we have eaten enough.

The modern lifestyle of staying up late and getting up early is a 'ticking time bomb for our health', according to researchers. One contributing factor is the increasing use of smartphones and tablets before going to bed, which reduces the level of melatonin and makes it harder to get to sleep.

"Stopping smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, taking more exercise, improving diet, reducing stress, improving sleep and checking for common signs and symptoms of disease." By making these seven lifestyle changes, the adults in mid-life will vastly improve chances of a longer, more active and fulfilled life.

So if you want to live longer, get more sleep. (Get the custom pillow case at snapmade.com to help you sleep better.)


Make Beautiful Watercolor Mug

I like the watercolor mug. I think it is beautiful. I try to use the watercolor to paint the mug and it turns out great! Here is how I do.


Physical Appearance is the Most Important?

I read a funny news in my Facebook that: Groom sues his bride for damages one day after their wedding after seeing her without make-up for the first time and feeling 'cheated'.


Hungry Dog Learn to Say "Mama" before a Baby

Today, I watched an funny video on YouTube. It's about the an shepherd dog saying "mama" in a bid to be fed.

In an attempt to get her young son Samuel to speak, the mum tells him to say the word 'mama' while she appears to use the food as an incentive. She continually vocalises the word and addresses her son. But Samuel merely looks around the room looking slightly confused.

Meanwhile the dog Patches is standing alongside Samuel and whines in anticipation of some food and ever so slightly begins articulating the sound being made by its owner.

Then, Samuel's mum scoops up some of the food onto her fork and repeats the process - again addressing young Samuel.

Incredibly Patches then begins mouthing in a more controlled fashion and manages to clearly articulate the word 'mama'.

Rather humorously, the video then concludes with Samuel reaching out his hand to stop Patches from talking - as if annoyed that Patches had spoken first.

Funny, isn't it?

Do you also have such an cute baby and dog? They will make you happy. Wanna give gifts to them? Come to snapmade.com to create the personalized baby bibs and pet tags with the funny pictures.

DIY Glass Photo Ornament

If you like making photo gifts, you can make the glass photo ornaments. The are the perfect keepsake or gift. Now let's start this tutorial.


DIY Your Own Custom Blanket

It is so easy to make your own custom blanket. All you need is a few yards of fabric and some thread. You can use a sewing machine or just use your hand to make the blanket. It's up to you.


Customize Your Own Watch

Get tired of your watch looks? Want to change looks? In today's turorial I will show you how to make your own personalized watch with different looks as you like in a super easy way.


DIY Monogram Tote Bag

I found this diy monogram tote bag on the Pinterest. It is funny, I think. So I want to share this diy project with you. Just enjoy it!


The World's Grumpiest Dog

Remember this dog? Yes, right. It is regarded as the world's grumpiest dog. Look at its sulky face! It is an instant hit with his permanent glum-looking eyes and sad expressions.

DIY Metal Tins

Today, I want to show you how to paint the metal tins. Hope you will enjoy this little project.


DIY Painted Cork Coasters

Last week, I came across a project on the Internet that I immediately knew little crafter and I were going to need to try. I made the painted cork coasters by myself. It was so funny! I want to share this project with you.


DIY Coloring Page Bookmarks

Every reader needs a bookmark right? Here's one simple way to make your own personalized bookmark.


·some card stock


1. Find some beautiful picture on the Internet and dowload them.

2. Print on white card stock.

3. Use the watercolor to color the card stock.

4. Cut the card stock into the shape as you like.

5. Add a layer of colored card stock if you like.

6. Laminate with these nifty self-laminating sheets. No machine needed! Super easy, right?

DIY Desk Organizer with the Tray

The desk organizer is quite useful to put away many little things on your desk so that your desk won't be in a mess. You can even make the desk organizer by yourself.


DIY Photo Pendant Necklace

Almost every girl loves jewelry. So if you are seekign a great gift idea for your girl friends, maybe you can make a photo pendant necklace for them. I think they will love it. Now, let's get started:
DIY Picture Canvas If you have lots of pictures but don't know what to do with them, then you can try to make your own canvas print.


Make a Moleskine iPad Case

The smart cover for the iPad is nice and all. But you know what is even smarter? Making a much cheaper, customized iPad case yourself. Here I want to teach you how to make a moleskine iPad case.



DIY Wrap Bracelet

The wrap bracelet is quite popular among girls and it looks great on the wrists. It can be made by yourself. It's simple and addicting.


·leather cord
·brass ball chain or crystal chain
·waxed linen cord
 ·brass hex nut
·a pair of scissors

Note: Lengths will vary depending on the size of your wrist.


1. Fold the length of leather cording in half to form a loop. The loop should fit around the hex nut, which serves as the clasp. Run the tip of the waxed linen upwards along the leather cord and towards the loop. Then wrap around the base of the loop at least 5-6 times, working downwards in the opposite direction. This secures the waxed linen cord and is the start of the bracelet.

2. Place the ball chain along the leather cording with the end of the chain meeting the end of the wrap. Holding the ball chain against the leather cord, wrap the linen around tightly.

3. Continue wrapping while checking it for fit around the wrist.

4. When you have reached the end of the ball chain wrap the linen cording around the leather strands 2-3 more times. Tie a knot with all three strands.

5. Thread the hex nut through the strands and tie a second knot.

6. Trim with scissors and your wrap bracelet is finished!! Put on this wrap bracelet.

If you are looking for the personalized jewelry, you can come to snapmade.com to create the jewelry by yourself.


Make the Glitter Candle Holder

Love the glitter in the glow of a candle? It is so beautiful and amazing. It is very easy to make.


Make Your Own Decoupage Compact Mirrors

Following the following easy instructions to craft your own beautiful compact mirrors with decoupage.


Make the Embroidered Covered Buttons

I love the embroidery. I like to teach you how to make teh embroidered covered buttons. Here we go:


DIY Glitter Tumbler

If you needs a cup, tumblers are always a great choice. Tumblers are spill proof, can hold hot and cold liquids, and extremely easy to travel with. If I told you could easily make your own DIY Glittered Tumbler, would you make it for yourself or as a gift? It would be a great teacher appreciation gift your child could help you make too!

Be Kind to Overweight People

It is often the case that many fat people receive the discrimination and cruel treatment in public places.


Make Your Own Decorative Lighter

Personalized lighter can be a great gift for both smoker or non-smoker.In today's diy project, I will show you how to make a personalized decorative lighter.



Make Your Own Wine Stopper Tacks

If you’ve got a pile of wine stopper hidden away, pull them out and make your own wine stopper tacks.

·oak wine stopper
·hand saw (optional)


1. First decide how you want your stoppers to look. You can drill the holes in any side or end of the stoppers. You can also cut the stoppers down or in half. This is done best with a small hand saw or knife.

2. Choose a drill bit that is close to the size of your thumbtack and start drilling. You only want to drill deep enough for the head of your thumbtack to slide into the stopper. Try comparing the length of the tack, to the length of your bit & see where to stop. Slightly rotating the drill bit in circles will help remove the stopper pieces & increase the hole in size for a better fit, if needed. You might want to practice on a stopper to get a feel for drilling.

3. Place small amount of glue in the hole & then push in thumbtack. Let dry 24 hours. OK, let's it. Personalized wine stopper!


Make Your Own Picture Magnets

Easy and fun diy project - diy picture magnets.


·Pictures or photos
·Inkjet printer
·Modge Podge
·Small sponge brush
·adhesive magnets
·Transparency paper or cardboard


Paint Your Own Flip Flops

What are you going to deal with the old flip flops? Using the oil paint to give your old flip flops a new look.


What will you do with your extra second?

Ready to be a time traveler? Good, because you have no choice. Today at midnight, it will remain today at midnight for one extra second. It’s because the earth moves slower than our clocks. Weird, right?




The Legendary Cat in Japan's Railway Station

In the picture, you can see a cute cat with a uniform cap and custom pet tag (badge). Guess who is she? She is the legendary cat whose name is Tama in Japan.


Could Too-tight Jeans Leave You Weak in the Knees?

The personalized t-shirts and skinny jeans are very popular matches among women. It is the popular fashion. But The study said that squatting in skinny jeans can damage nerves and muscles in the legs.

Two Loyal Friends

Just a few minutes ago, I read a story about the 2 dogs from the Internet. And I was great touched by them. So I want to share this story with you.


DIY Unisex Apron

When you are in the kitchen, an apron is quite necessary to protect your chlothes from being dirty. Here I want to show you how to make a custom apron for both man and woman.


Turn a T-Shirt Into a Pillow Case

Father's Day is just around the corner. If you are still struggling to choose a gift for father's day gift, maybe you can make a personalized pillow case from a t-shirt. It is scandalously easy. Now let's start this project.


DIY Mustache Mug

Mustache mug is a fun, easy and silly gift to give your loved father this Father's Day.


DIY Tie from Old T-shirt

Today I want to show you an easy way to make a tie. It is a perfect and personalized gift for Father Day. It is also pretty simple and fast to do. Here we go:





The cosmetic products are usually the girls' necessities. So the cosmetic bag is needed to put away the messy cosmetic products. In today's turorial, I am going to show you a quick way to sew yourself one cosmetic bag today! Le's start this turorial:


DIY Summer Tank Top

Many girls like wearing the tank top in the hot summer, because it will make them feel cooler and more comfortable. In today's tutorial, I will show you how to make a personalized tank top from the old t-shirt. Now, here we go.


DIY a Plexi Photo Frame

It is a common case that people will place the photo frame on the desk besides the bed, TV or any other places to decorate the room. The photo frames have become the necessary decoration of the room. Here I want to show you guys how to make a plexi photo frame.

DIY Wallpaper Coasters

The wallpaper is quite beautiful. They can be used to decorate many things. In today's toturial, I want to show you how to use the wallpaper to make your own personalized coasters.


Puff Style Embroidery Cap

I want to buy the puff style embroidery cap, and I search it on the Internet. But most of them are quite expensive. So I decide to embroider my own cap.


DIY the Cool Wooden Bottle Opener

Making your own bottle opener is a fun project, and a handmade one is sure to impress your family and friends every time. Now, let's get started:


DIY iPad Case from Notebook

Are you considering turning your notebook into a iPad case? It is a wonderful idea! Because you could probably leave this sitting somewhere and no one would ever consider stealing it because you would never know an iPad is sitting inside!!


DIY Dip Dye T-shirt

Yesterday I saw the Dip Dye t-shirt on the Internet by accident. It is so amazing. So I want to share it with you. Here are the instructions:


DIY Candle Wraps

Want to make your dinner party more special? Maybe you can make the candle wraps by yourself. Just be sure to use them with battery-operated, flameless candles for safety.


DIY Kid’s Apron

Most children like playing. Every mum has the same trouble: the children will make their clothes dirty. So in today's tutorial, I want to share you how to make children's apron. This personalized apron may protect your children's clothes from being dirty. Here are the instructions:


DIY Watercolor Pillow Case

Do you love watercolor and creating your do-it-yourself projects? Today I will share DIY watercolor pillow case with you.


DIY Personalized Necklace with Friends

Hey, girls! Weekend is coming. Are you still thinking about what to do in the coming weekend. Maybe you can make the personalized necklace. You can also call your friends, because this DIY will get cheaper when making with friends.


Make a Personalized Baby T-shirt for Your Baby

Making your own unique baby clothes can be so much fun! Here's one way to change the ordinary boring t-shirts into unique and stylish baby t-shirts. Just using iron-on transfer paper to make customized baby t-shirt. It's sooo easy to use and you can create t-shirts to match any kind of personal style. Now, let's get started!


Customize Your Own Watch Face at Snapmade

Watches add a functional style statement to just about any wardrobe and are available in a wide variety of designs, from casual to sporty. While the cookie-cutter watches available over the counter at your local retailer may serve their purpose, designing your own watch face can add a personalized touch. Whether your want to feature a family photo or a funky design, making a custom watch face can be done with nothing more than image files, a few clicks and a little bit of money.


DIY Photo Coasters

Here I want to share a fun and inexpensive DIY photo coasters project with you.


– 4×4 white ceramic tiles
-  4×4 printed photos
– Mod Podge
– Small, 1-inch foam brush
– Self-adhesive felt pads
– Washi tape


Step 1: Apply 1 coat of Mod Podge to front of tile
Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to the front of each tile, making sure to spread it all the way to the edges.

Step 2: Place photo on the wet Mod Podge
Place a photo on top of the wet coat of Mod Podge from step 1, and let it dry for about 5 minutes.

Step 3: Apply 3 coats of Mod Podge to back of tile
This part is a little tricky with the washi tape. When you apply your first coat of Mod Podge to the back of the coasters, it may seem like the the tape is starting to unstick from the coaster. Just wait about 5 minutes until the first coat of Mod Podge has started to dry and become tacky, and press the washi tape down with your finger. Wait about 15 minutes in between each coat of Mod Podge.

Step 4: Apply 3 coats of Mod Podge to front of tile
Apply 3 coats of Mod Podge, again waiting about 15 minutes between each coat. Apply each coat as a thin layer, making sure to wrap all the way around to the sides, and smoothing out the front. It’ll look very opaque until it dries, but rest assured that it will dry clear!

Step 5: Stick felt pads to the bottom of each coaster
The felt pads just help to make sure that the coasters don’t scratch your table. Step 6: Let sit for 3 days before using It’s normal for Mod Podge to feel tacky for several days after it dries. If you wait about 3 days, you’ll give the coasters plenty of time to seal completely & make sure no water will seep in.

I love the way these personalized coasters turned out. They are so great!


Make Fruit and vegetable Bags

When I go out to the grocery store or farmers markets to buy the fruits or vegetables, I often use the plastic to hold them. It is wasteful and environmentally-unfriendly. So I think I should solve this issue with making some cool re-usable bags. Finally I decide to make the tote bag from the flour bag. It is recycled, durable and a great alternative to plastic!


Easy Craft: Make Your Own Mousepad

I found myself recently bemoaning the fact that my mousepad was old and icky and had seen waaaay better days. It still functioned, but man did it look gross. So it was retouch time. If you've got an old mousepad that needs a little zhush (how do you spell that?) or a mousepad that just isn't cute, this is the DIY for you.

DIY Desk Organizers

Personalized desk organizer can be made as a teacher’s gift or a gift for a writer friend, housewarming present, or even just to organize an office space. I like diy dek organizer project that might appeal to everyone…..and that can be made by anyone with just a few household tools.


DIY Your Own T-Shirt

Are you considering to throw away your old t-shits? Actually, you don't need to do so. Here I want to share a diy personalized t-shirt project with you. It will make your t-shirt a fresh look. Just mix up stripes and fabric spray paint in a striped t-shirt using fabric spray paint from Tulip.


DIY Map Coasters

If you're going to give a gift to someone adventurous, maybe you can make the map coasters for him. It is easy to make these personalized coasters.


DIY iPad Case

Today I want to I want to share a DIY project with you. That is make the DIY iPad case. It’s so easy and will make a great gift. See how I make this lovely personalized iPad case.


DIY Hand Stamped Dog Tags

 I have a dog. Her name is Sydney. I love her. She is one of my family members. I often create and buy some gifts for her. Last 2 weeks, I made a hand stamped dog tags for her.


DIY Monogrammed Tote Bag

I had such a great time making the monogrammed zipper bags that it got me thinking about using the same technique on a tote bag. I wanted to make a personalized tote bag that I could easily fill with my groceries or use for a weekend trip to the coast.


How to Clean Your Baseball Cap

I usually like to go out with my baseball cap in a sunny hot day. The baseball cap is very useful to protect me from direct sunlight. Last 2 weeks, I buy a very personalized baseball cap online. I like it very much! And wear it every day. But it is full of dirt, smells, sweat and oils after a few days wearing. I have no idea of how to clean it. So I search the washing method on the Internet. Finally I find a simple way to clean it and it turns out very clean. Here are the simple step-by-step directions to clean your baseball cap:

Make Your Old Towels Look Like a New One

Have you ever grabbed a towel from the closet and found that it just wasn't as fluffy as it used to be, and maybe even had some lingering smells? Well, before you throw them out or add them to the rag pile, try these few simple steps to make your old towels look like a new one.


DIY Photo Bookmarks Craft

Today I want to share a DIY photo bookmark craft to you. DIY photo bookmark is the perfect gift for readers. Here is how you do:

DIY Baby Bib from Old Jean

How do you usually deal with the old jeans? Just throw them away? Actually you don't need to do so. There is a great way to recycle some of those old jeans.They can be used to make wonderful baby bibs. Here is how to make the western style baby bibs.

1.Cut up one seam of the jean leg. Open the leg and place the center of the pattern over the center of the uncut leg seam. Pin and cut out the baby bib.

2. Then place the contrasting fabric (right side up) over the baby bib (right side up), matching the corner of the contrasting fabric to the center bottom of the bib. Pin the contrasting fabric in place and cut along the edge of the blue jean fabric, using the baby bib or pattern for the contrasting fabric.

3. Next use a zig-zag stitch and machine stitched approximately ½ inch all around the bib edge.

4. Sew on Velcro for my closure and add a cute star applique from contrasting fabric.

5. Lastly, snip the entire bib edge close to the zig-zag stitching, also snip the bottom edge of the contrasting fabric. Wash and dry the bib which gives the fraying effect.

These personalized baby bibs are just so cute and wash up so nice making them very functional.


DIY Personalized Mug for Your Mother

Mother's Day is just around the corner. There are only 5 days left. If you still have no idea of what gift you should give to your mother. Maybe you can make a fun little personalized mug for her. It is crazy easy and definitely worth the time!


DIY Photo Frame for Your Mother

It is always a tough task to decide on the perfect gift for your perfect mom on a Mothers Day. Remember your Mother is always going to appreciate your feelings behind the gift you buy. So even if you are a bit incorrect in your choice, she will always treasure a gift from some one whom she loves the most.Today I am going to offer a unique and special gift idea for your mother. That is diy photo frame. It is super easy. Here is how you can make it:

DIY Stamp Necklace for Mother

Just on the other day I saw the hand stamp necklaces on the Internet. They are so pretty. So I decided to make a hand stamp necklace by myself. Make it into a mother’s necklace and it’s a beautiful gift. I thought this could be timely since Mother’s Day is coming up. I’ll teach you how to hand stamp jewelry so you can make one. Then you can make one for your mom. She’ll be so proud.


Customize Mother's Day Gift from Snapmade

Everyone has a mother and, unless you're a magical exception, chances are that she put up with you in all your moments of teenage angst and phases of self-discovery. Whether she's always been supportive of your decisions or once put her foot down against frosted tips or that septum ring, your mom has always had your best interests at heart. It would be a real shame not to show her some thanks (and some love) come Mother's Day.

In case you forgot, Mother's Day happens to be coming up fast — it's Sunday, May 10th this year. If you're still unsure about how you're going to spoil her, don't stress, you have time to figure it out. That said, maybe you could use a (gentle) push in the right direction.

If you're looking for Mother's Day gifts, you've come to the right place. Here at Snapmade we've gathered up all our top picks for gifts for Mom, from pretty custom jewelry to custom compact mirrors to custom mugs, etc. So whether you've got a sporty mom or a trendsetting mom, we've got Mother's Day gift ideas you'll love. Have a look around and find something special for Mom this Mother's Day.

Custom Jewelry
Jewelry are good for mom. If you have custom bracelets, custom necklaces or custom earrings designed by yourself, it would be more meaningful. Besides, you can design personalized necklace, custom charm bracelet or custom rings for your mom as a Mother's Day gift. There are different kinds of jewelry design for your choice. They are all 100% high quality!

Custom Compact Mirrors
Compact mirrors are suitable for your mom. It would be more meaningful for you to have a compact mirror design by yourself.

Custom Mugs
Customize the mugs with your mother's photo, the texts that you want to say to your mom, or any other designs. Give these personalized mugs to your mom, she may be very happy!

Custom Canvas
Design the unique canvas to fit for your unique mom. Meaningful!

Of course there are some other custom gifts for mothers that I can not list them all. Come to visit snapmade.com and find something special that fit for your mom.


How to Choose Mother's Day Gifts

Suddenly, Mother's Day is right around the corner, and everyone is wondering how to find the perfect gift for Mom. The best way to choose a good gift is to focus on the woman receiving it. When you start searching for gift ideas, consider Mom's favorite activities and her personality. Then you can present her with a gift, and memorable experience, she'll treasure.


History of Mother's Day

Origin of Mother's Day goes back to the era of ancient Greek and Romans. But the roots of Mother's Day history can also be traced in UK where a Mothering Sunday was celebrated much before the festival saw the light of the day in US. However, the celebration of the festival as it is seen today is a recent phenomenon and not even a hundred years old. Thanks to the hard work of the pioneering women of their times, Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis that the day came into existence. Today the festival of Mothers day is celebrated across 46 countries (though on different dates) and is a hugely popular affair. Millions of people across the globe take the day as an opportunity to honor their mothers, thank them for their efforts in giving them life, raising them and being their constant support and well wisher.

Today Mothers Day is celebrated in several countries including US, UK, India, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Mexico, Canada, China, Japan and Belgium. People take the day as an opportunity to pay tribute to their mothers and thank them for all their love and support. The day has become hugely popular and in several countries phone lines witness maximum traffic. There is also a tradition of gifting flowers, cards and others gift (such as custom jewelry, mugs, mirrors, etc.) to mothers on the Mothers Day. The festival has become commercialised to a great extent. Florists, card manufacturers and gift sellers see huge business potential in the day and make good money through a rigorous advertising campaign.

DIY Dinner Plates

Are you planning to invite your friends to your dinner parties? Do you want your guests feel special? Maybe you can make some personalized plates to surprise them. It is a very simple diy project. You just need the plain plates and the sharpines. Here is how you can do:



Hey, girls, your wedding is just around the corner. Are you still thinking about what gifts you should give to your groom? Maybe you can make custom wedding cufflinks. They are easy and inexpensive for your to make. Let's start it!


Make Your Own Bookmark

If you're looking for quick back-to-school crafts, making a bookmark may be a good idea. You can use the bookmark by yourself or give it to any bookworm in your life. It's simple to create so let's start!


DIY Stenciled Photo Frames

Can’t really think of any particular gift for a loved one? How about making something yourself? That's always a good idea. You could make a photo frame. It’s not difficult and it’s also a great gift. What could be more beautiful than a photo of your loved ones in a beautiful frame? Now let's get started to make a personalized photo frame.


Make a DIY Picnic Blanket

It is a good time to go on a picnic in spring. Just enjoy the beautiful scenery and take a fresh breath from the nature. Wow, fantastic! For picnic, you may need a custom blanket to hold up the food. Here, I have one diy picnic blanket idea to share with you.


DIY: Mouse Pad

A mousepad is necessary when using the mouse. The mousepad is always easily to be worn away. But you don't always need to buy them. You can make the mousepad by yourself. There is a quick and easy way to make a mousepad.


Customize Your Own Unique Flip Flops at Snapmade

Everybody knows flip-flops. First worn by ancient Egyptians over six thousand years ago, flip-flops are now an international phenomenon worn and loved by millions worldwide. They come in thousands of styles and colors.


DIY Doormat by Yourself

When the visitors visit your house, his first sight may be the doormat. So a nice doormat is very important to welcome the visitors. If you think the doormat you buy from the stores is too simple, then you can make a personalized doormat by yourself.

Now let's get started!


- A plain doormat
- Masking tape
- Exterior spray paint
- A big letter
- Diet Dr. Pepper


1. Use masking tape to cover up the areas that you don't want painted. If you don’t have the right size masking tape on hand, you could easily use paper strips to create your borders. Just secure them in place with straight pins.

2. Put the letter in the center of your mat and mask off two smaller areas.

3.Give all the exposed areas a good coat of the spray paint. The trick to this step is to spray straight down as much as possible. If you spray at an angle, you risk getting paint under your tape.

4. Let the whole thing dry for about an hour.

5. Peel back your tape.

Done! Like this DIY project?

Easy Craft - DIY Pillowcase

A personalized pillow case is always needed for a pillow if you want to keep your pillow clean and give your bed a new look. And, luckily, the pillow case is also easy to make. Everyone who loves diy can make it by herself.

- fabric
- pillow
- pin
- scissors


1. Washing and ironing your fabric. This allows for any shrinking that may occur and when you go to cut and sew, it’s much easier to do it on smooth rather than wrinkled fabric.

2. Start measuring and cutting. For the width, add 1” to the width of your pillow, and for the length, multiply the length of your pillow by 2 and then add another 6”. For example, if you have a 14” x 14” pillow, you should cut a piece of fabric that was 15” wide, which allows for a .5” seam allowance on either side, and 34” long ([14 x 2] + 6 = 34), which allows for a 1” turn-over on both sides and a total overlap of 4”.

3. Next, on the short sides, turn your edge over .5” and iron. Then, turn it over another .5” and iron. Then, sew the seam along the edge. Do the same thing to the other short side.

4. Once your short sides are hemmed, lay your fabric on the table right side up. Take your pillow form, place it in the middle of your fabric, and fold your fabric over your pillow.

5. Make sure the fabric is lined up on either side and fits snug around the pillow. Then, pin the two flaps of fabric together on either side. At this point, you can slide the pillow out of the fabric. Once your pillow is removed, pin both sides of the fabric together along the sides.

6. Once your sides are pinned, its time to sew! Just sew in a straight line along the edges you have pinned. After you've sewn both sides, turn your pillowcase right side out through the open flap you have in the middle.

And that’s it! All you need to do is to insert the pillow into the case.


DIY iPhone Case

I love to rotate my iPhone case often. I have a small collection and I'm always on the hunt for more. This week I tried my hand at making one type the iPhone case. That is DIY the painted strip design to the phone case.


Make Your Own Baseball Cap

Usually a cap is needed to limit your sun exposure when you are walking in a hot sunny day. Here I want to show you how to turn your must-wear plain cap into a fashionable and personalized cap.


Make the Baby Bibs by Yourself

It is quite easy to make a baby bib. You can sew it with a sewing machine or you can even sew it by hand. Let's get started!


DIY Painted Hand Towels

Do you want to give your plain white hand towels a little pop of color or pattern? Embroider them with your designs? That may cost you lots of time. Here is an easy and fun way to custom your own hand towels. That is painting the towels with fabric paint.

All you need:

- Plain white hand towels
- Fabric paint
- A paint brush

The first thing you need to do is to mix colors and come up with your own color palette.

Then I will introduce 3 painted designs to you.

The first one is doing simple triangle pattern around the border.

The second one is using various colors and watercolor splashes of paint. The third one is using half of a lemon as a stamp.When doing this, make sure there isn't too much paint on the lemon. You can apply the paint with a roller, or if you don't have one, stamp it on some scrap paper first to lessen the paint.

Also, there are still quite many painted designs that I can't list them all. And you can paint the towels with your own design.

After finish painting, don't forget to hang the towels and allow them to dry fully. Once the paint is completely dry, them give them a wash before using.

Do you have interest in painting your personalized towels?



DIY Painted Mugs

Using the paint pens to write on your mugs with the monogram designs, then bake them. It's the ideal way to get a personalized gift without spending a ton.


Create Your Own Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw puzzles are great of kids and their development. Hands-eye co-ordination, fine motor skills, recognition of shapes or colours etc. So as an alternative to buying them consider making them yourself. It's very easy.


Custom Polo Shirt from Snapmade

What's the origin of the polo shirt?

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, tennis player used to wear long, bulky outfits during their matches known as “tennis whites”. Long sleeve shirts, long pants, ties—a far cry from what the players wear in today's modern game. It wasn't until the mid-1920s that a tennis player Rene Lacoste came up with the ground-breaking alternative seen in today's fashion. Not only did his breakthrough design pave the way for a revolution in the game of tennis, it quickly found its way to the golf and polo greens as well. Lacoste's design is now a part of mainstream culture and can be seen not only in sports, but in common, mainstream fashion.


Make a Tank Top From an Old T-shirt

Summer is coming. We will have to suffer from the heat.To help you to keep cool, here are the instructions for making the tank top from the old t-shirts.


DIY an iPhone Cover Out of an Map

I have today a super fun tutorial just for you my dear friends! How to give your phone case a new look in minutes!

What you’ll need: 

- Map
- Clear iPhone Case
- Scissors
- X-acto Knife
- Pencil


1. Cut the map to the size of your case, taking care to leave a bit around the edges so it doesn't come up short. Take a look at some of our favorite cases for the occasion.
Cut it out. (Don’t forget to cut out the camera hole!)

2. Pop your newly cut map into the clear case.

That's it! Easy and fun, isn't it? Try to make your own personalized phone case right now!


Sewing Your Own Pillowcase

Sometimes, a new personalized pillowcase will give your bed a fresh look and make you happy. Fortunately, it is easy to make a pillowcase.


Make Your Own Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw Puzzles are always providing entertainment and challenges for people. They're a great, cheap form of entertainment that can amuse some people for hours and hours.


Sharpie DIY Mug

Do you have a plain, boring mug that needs a bit of spicing up? Personalize your cups and mugs by drawing on them! You can use them to add personality to your home or even as gifts for your loved ones. Here's how to start:


DIY Creeper Hoodie

At the first sight of the minecraft creeper on the internet, I was attracted by it. Wow, it was so cool! So I decided to make a Minecraft Creeper Hoodie. Now let me show you how I make this cool hoodie.

Make a Personalized T-shirt of Your Own

I've been seeing so many awesome textile diy's around lately. I thought I'd give a t-shirt screenprint diy. Here is the easy diy project that I do.


- Shirt
- modge podge
- fabric paint
- design
- cardboard piece
- embroidery hoop 
- nylon or panty-hose fabric
- paintbrush
- permanent pen



I have a dog whose name is Nancy. She is a part of my family, and I love finding new ways to show my love and affection. So I decide to make a personalized pet bowl for her. I don't want dog bones – I want something that fits my style and doesn't stand out like a sore thumb in my home. I decide on one pattern to create in fun, playful color palettes for the pet bowl.


• small, plain ceramic or glass bowls
• acrylic craft paints
• paper plates
• sponge
• scissors
• pencil
• paper towels

Before I start I make sure to wash and dry the bowls thoroughly to remove any debris. After squirting some paints (neon pink, olive green, and black) on a paper dish I dive right into a grid-like dot pattern. Using a pencil eraser dipped into the paint I freehand a pattern of five by four dots in the olive green. I then repeat the process with the neon pink and black, staggering the grid by skipping a dot-sized width and moving the pattern down one row.

The end result remind me of that pure sugar dot candy of our childhoods! And I'd be lying if I don't admit I kind of want my own bowl now just like this.

Now, my dog Nancy eat its food in this bowl. Though she may not notice what they are eating out of, I'd like to think that I’m WOW-ing them a little with my effort.


DIY Beer Coasters

My elder brother just recently moved, and I was looking for the perfect house warming gift that wouldn't break the bank, since his birthday was also just a few days later.

So, I decided to make beer coasters- perfect for a man cave, and relatively inexpensive! Although, that is assuming you can gather the six pack holders for free in your daily life without having to buy them just for this craft- like I did.


Make the Personalized Aprons from Snapmade

The apron is experiencing a renaissance. While the food and hospitality industries have used the apron as a vital part of their uniforms for years and years, the custom apron is making a dramatic comeback in other industries, as well. Why? One word: versatility. You can wear your custom apron while washing dishes, painting the wall or grilling out in the backyard. Why constantly switch clothes when you can throw on a personalized apron as a coverall and tackle all the tasks ahead of you?

Custom Pillow Cases from Snapmade

When it’s time for bed or a nap, rest your head on custom pillow cases from Snapmade.

Customize your personalized pillow cases using Snapmade's Designer. In our website, there are tons of designs for your custom pillow cases. Sleep in style by adding your own text, picture, or image to your custom pillow cases if you can't find any design that suits you.


DIY Pop Can Keychains

When I cleaned my house a few days ago, I found some empty pop cans. I thought about how to deal with these pop cans. Suddenly an idea strike me, that is diy pop can keychains. And I just could not help starting this diy project. Here are my instructions of making the pop can keychains:


DIY Glass Tile Necklace

Want to know how to make a glass tile pendant? They're super easy – you can do this! Here's a brief tutorial.

First gather your supplies – you'll need:

–a glass tile
–a bail (that's the hook that goes on the back)
–paper or fabric design
–diamond glaze and a small paintbrush
–a necklace to hang it on

First take your tile, and trace it onto your paper. Then cut it out slightly inside the lines with an exacto knife or scissors. Hold it up with your tile on top of it to check the size – you don't want any paper sticking out behind the edge. 

Next squirt your diamond glaze on the back of the tile – about pea size. Use a small paintbrush to spread it out – enough to coat the back of the tile but not so much that it's going to ooze.

Then while the diamond glaze is still wet set your paper face-down onto it. Rub the paper to get a really good seal. That will prevent bubbles being seen through the glass.

Let dry for 5-10 minutes or longer. Then squirt diamond glaze on the back of the paper and spread it out with a paintbrush to seal in your paper. Let dry several hours. Then using superglue, glue your bails to the back.

Finally use the necklace to hang on the glass tile. Now, it becomes the perfect personalized jewelry that you can put it on.


DIY Reversible Apron!

Today a funny diy reversible apron project will be shared to you. It is easy to make. Now let's get started!

For this project you will need:

- 2 yards of fabric (1 yard of each color)
- Coordinating thread
- Pins
- Scissors
- Sewing Machine
- Iron


1. If you do not have a pattern to work with, you can grab one of your old aprons and drew out a pattern onto a piece of poster board and cut it out.

2. Once my pattern was cut out, fold on piece of fabric in half and pinned your pattern to it. Be sure to align the folded side of the fabric to the long end of the pattern, that way when you cut it out you have a full apron piece. Repeat this process with the second fabric.

3. Using the scraps of fabric, cut out 2 strips of fabric for the neck ties and another 2 pieces for the back ties. Fold each strip of fabric in half so that the printed sides are facing each other and ironed them flat.

4. Finally get to sewing! Start with sewing the straps along the long end and one short end. Once all of the straps are sewn, turn them right side out and iron them flat again.

5. After the straps are ready, Place the two main pieces of fabric together, good side facing in. Then place the straps in between the main fabric and pin everything into place. Also pin the straps into place so they didn't end up getting sewn somewhere they were not suppose to be.

6. Sew around the entire apron with the exception of the bottom hem so that it can be easily turned right side out.

7. Once sewing is completed, turn the apron right side out and than fold the bottom hem in and sew it shut.

Finished! I think you will be pretty proud of your own custom apron!


DIY Handwritten Plates

DIY handwritten plates - a funny diy project. Write down the texts as you like on the plates. It is interesting! Also, it is a good way to kill your time.


DIY Graphic Print Hoodies

Are you still thinking about which hoodie do you like to buy among so many sdorable hoodies? Unfortunately you bank account won't allow you to purchase every one of them. So why don't you make your own graphic print hoodies? These personalized hoodies are quite easy to make and also very cheap.

Custom Unique Dog Tag From Snapmade

Pet identification tags containing your phone number and address can mean a safe return home for a lost pet. Pet professionals across the globe cannot stress the importance of pet ID tags enough. Sometimes, we can see dogs finding their way into the shelter without identification, and no way to find out who they belong to. It's a sad, unnecessary potential problem in a dog's life that can be easily prevented.


Simple DIY Project: DIY Candle Holders

Today I would like to share the diy candle holders project with you. Now, here we go:


- Whittling block
- white craft paint
- paint brush
- dot stickers and a 7/8″
- drill bit


1. Drill hole. Mark the center of one end of the whittling block. Using the drill bit, make a hole in the wood, about 1″deep.

2. Mask. With the dot stickers, create a pattern where you want the wood to remain showing. Go around the whittling block, overlapping the circles slightly. Press the stickers firmly once in place.

3. Paint. Going over the dots, paint the whittling block. Paint only one end of the whittling block and left the bottom bare. To ensure full coverage, paint 2-3 coats and allow to dry completely.

4. Peel. Once the paint is dry, gently peel off the stickers to reveal your design.

These personalized candle holders you have created are simple and it is perfect for outdoor tables.


Cutest DIY Doormat On the Block

If you want to keep your house clean, then the doormat is always needed. If you have spare time, you can try to make a personalized doormat by yourself. Now let's get started!


- Basic doormat
- Spray paint in your choice color
- Marker
- Paper bag
- Scissors
- Tape
- Measuring tape


1. Create a Heart Stencil
Cut your brown paper bag so that it lies flat. Then draw on a half heart. Cut along your line and discard the center.

2. Take Measurements
Take a few simple measurements to make sure your heart stencil falls smack dab in the center of your doormat.Measure the length and width of your mat, and then divide those numbers in half. The center of your heart should fall right in the intersection of those two numbers.

3. Tape Down and Spray Away
Tape down your paper bag. Tap on the outside, and then create pieces of rolled tape to place on the underside of the bag. This helps achieve a more crisp line. Before you start spray painting, it's also a good idea to cover any exposed edges of the doormat with scrap paper. Finally, follow the instructions on your spray paint and go to town.

Wait for the spray paint to dry, remove the paper and place in front of your door. Pretty sweet, isn't it?
