
Make Your Own Decorative Lighter

Personalized lighter can be a great gift for both smoker or non-smoker.In today's diy project, I will show you how to make a personalized decorative lighter.


--1 standard-size Bic lighter
--A writing utensil
--Small paintbrush
--Glue stick
--A few sheets of newspaper
--Magazines and/or colored paper and/or whatever images you want on your lighter --A bottle of clear/translucent semi-gloss*


1. Choose a background patter from the newspapers or magazines. Then use your ruler and writing utensil to draw a square. Cut the square out.

2. Choose the images from a magazine as the foreground, then cut them out.

3. Using your glue stick, glue the foreground images to the background pattern. 

4. Using your glue stick, put glue over the entire backside of your background . Place it on the lighter and adjust it so that it overlaps somewhere not too noticeable on the back of the lighter.

5. Paint the first coat of semi-gloss on lighter, then wait four hours for the lighter to dry. After that, you paint the second coat and wait four more hours for it to dry.

OK, done! Give this decorative lighter to someone special or just keep it to yourself.

