
Make Your Own Picture Magnets

Easy and fun diy project - diy picture magnets.


·Pictures or photos
·Inkjet printer
·Modge Podge
·Small sponge brush
·adhesive magnets
·Transparency paper or cardboard


1. Choose the pictures as you like from the Internet and download them. You can also use the photoshop to beautify the picture and change the size of the pictures.

2. Print using an inkjet printer. Let your printed pictures dry for at least 20 minutes.

3. Carefully use scissors to cut out your photos.

4. Using a small sponge brush, apply a light, even coat of modge podge. The modge podge will help seal and protect your picture. Next time around, I would be a bit more precise with this step. Let your pictures dry for 30-40 minutes. As long as it is applied correctly, the modge podge should dry clear.

5. Stick the dry photo directly onto magnet adhesive and cut out! Repeat until you get an adorable picture magnets perfect for decorating or as a handmade gift!
Stick these personalized magnets to your fridge and enjoy their aesthetic appeal!

