
Be Kind to Overweight People

It is often the case that many fat people receive the discrimination and cruel treatment in public places.

Every day, in so many ways fat people hear this message, "you don't fit in here. Get out of our sight." They can't go to restaurants and movie theaters or, fly in an airplane because the seats may be too small for them. A fat woman brought her own chair in a movie theater and tried to sit in the wheelchair section. She was asked to leave even though she had called the manager from home and had gotten approval ahead of time.

Fat people report that others stare at them all the time. Onlookers make derogatory remarks about their weight and their character, and harass them. Recently a fat woman share her story on Facebook page. When she was shopping in a store, standing in between a teenage girl and her mom. The girl picked up a plus-size tank top, showed it to her mom and said, "Look! Me and So-and-so can fit in this tank top!" Her mom laughed and said, "Yeah, you could! That thing is huge!" She walked out of the store and sat couldn't help crying for a long time in her car. Think about others before you speak.

Be kind to the overweight people. They are the human beings just the same as you and me.

