
Make a Moleskine iPad Case

The smart cover for the iPad is nice and all. But you know what is even smarter? Making a much cheaper, customized iPad case yourself. Here I want to teach you how to make a moleskine iPad case.


- liner paper
- Imitation Leather Morocco
- Davey Binder’s Board
- PVA Glue
- Black elastic ribbon


1. Make sure you are working on a clean level area and use a cutting board.

2. Measure out the dimensions of the cuts on the binder’s board with a pencil. 

3. Using a metal ruler as a guide, cut the binder’s board with a utility knife. 

4. Lay leather on table and size up the cut board. Cut leather to size.

5. Remove boards and brush on book binding glue so that the whole back is covered. This will require some extra weights or hands, as the leather will start to roll as it gets moist.

6. Put binding board back on the leather and press down.

7. Round out corners of leather with scissors.

8. Fold edges around binder’s board. For the corners, wrap leather around the corner and use a hammer or other blunt object to hammer corners to shape.

9. To remove bubbles and ensure a strong bond, place a bunch of heavy books on top. Let sit for as long as you can.

10. Create two holes in the back cover 2.5cm from the top and side.

11. Thread elastic ribbon through the cuts and loop around.

12. Making the holder for the iPad.

13. Size up the loops on the iPad and tape them to a piece of paper to hold them in place.

14. Size up and cut the liner paper so it covers the entire inside of the cover. Cut four slits so that the holder loops will poke through where needed.

15. Coat the back of the liner paper and the holder loop and paper completely in glue and afixe to the cover. Let dry completely.

All done! Enjoy this DIY project.

