
Make the Embroidered Covered Buttons

I love the embroidery. I like to teach you how to make teh embroidered covered buttons. Here we go:

- A 5/8″ Cover Button Kit.
- A water soluble marker
- A ball of Valdani embroidery thread 1/4 yard of Kona Cottonor Color Spectrum
- A 6″ embroidery hoop
- An embroidery needle


1. Cut out the back of the template outline of cover button kit.

2. Trace the template 6- 10 times on to your fabric, at least 3″ from the fabric’s edges.

3. Center the button shell in each circle and trace around it.

4. Draw your design inside of each inner circle.

5. Center the circles in your embroidery hoop and pull the fabric tight like a drum.

6. Thread your embroidery needle with an 18″ length of embroidery thread.

7. Using a simple back stitch, embroider your own design.

8. After the embroidery is done pull your thread through your work on the back and snip the thread.

9. Cut out the circles from the fabric. Spray these little medallions with water. The blue lines will magically disappear.

10. Iron them to dry them out.

11. Assemble the buttons:
Center the Fabric on top of the Button Shell.
Stuff the Button Shell and Fabric into the Mold together.
Tuck the Fabric’s edges neatly inside of the Button Shell.
Place the Back squarely inside of the Mold.
And then place the Pusher on top of the whole thing.
Push the Pusher down firmly. Try to apply pressure evenly. You should hear a little pop when the whole thing comes together.
Pull the finished button out of the Mold.

Finished! That's how you can make the personalized embroidered covered buttons. 

If you want to let your own design printed on the buttons, you can come to snapmade.com to design your own customized buttons.

