
DIY Lino Block Printing Baby T-shirts

Using ink crafts for baby clothes is a fantastic way to make unique and personalized baby t-shirt.


·Plain baby t-shirt
·Lino block
·Lino cutting handle and blades
·Rubber brayer for rolling on ink
·Fabric printing ink


1. Draw or trace the image which you would like to create a lino stamp with.

2. Use a ruler or even your ink brayer to firmly rub the lead from the paper onto the block. Lift the paper slowly. Your image should now appear on the block!

3. Use your lino cutting tools to carve the image from the block.

4. Place a dollop of ink onto a surface such as a painter's palette or even a paper plate.

5. Roll the ink out until it is spread thinly.

6. Roll the ink onto the printing block.

7. Lay the baby t-shirt down on your work surface.

8. Place the inked block face down onto the baby t-shirt and apply pressure all over the block. 

9. Lift the block and find a safe place to lay the items to dry.

OK, that's it!

