
What will you do with your extra second?

Ready to be a time traveler? Good, because you have no choice. Today at midnight, it will remain today at midnight for one extra second. It’s because the earth moves slower than our clocks. Weird, right?

What will you do with your extra second? Just stare at the your watch to see the second goes by?

An extra second is a big deal, and you’ll want to make the most of it. Let me help you decide what to do with your leap second.

1. See how many times you can blink your eyelids in one second. I could blink four times.

2. Lie in for an extra second.

3. Do one more sit-up or take two extra treadmill steps.

4. Post a status update on Facebook/Twitter at 23:59:60 and see if they are prepared to deal with the leap second.

5. Play the “One Second Song”—a game in which you listen to a one-second clip of a song and identify it.

6. Drop your coke can in the trash bin instead of littering. 

7. Wink at someone. You must have more ideas. Anyway, just enjoy it!

