
DIY Dip Dye T-shirt

Yesterday I saw the Dip Dye t-shirt on the Internet by accident. It is so amazing. So I want to share it with you. Here are the instructions:


- A tray
- 1 measuring cup
- salt
- Dylon dye of any color
- heavy duty cleaning gloves
- a basic white tee


1. Mix a quarter of the Dylon dying powder into the tray with 4 cups of warm water and 4 tablespoons of salt. Once the powder has dissolved, fill the tray up with water to make a very diluted color. Soak the bottom of the tee so the color will trail up it nicely.

2. Place the tee slowly in the color until you see the color running up. Keep it in there for 1 minute, then drain the excess water and rinse in the sink under cold water.

3. Hang to dry for 15 minutes until it’s damp.

4. Take the leftover dye powder and sprinkle onto the tee as much as you like. It creates a lovely speckled effect!

5. Hang to dry. Once it’s fully dried and the dye has absorbed in, give it another rinse in the sink and dry again.

Then you’ll have your very own custom tee for the summer! Cool!

