
DIY Tie from Old T-shirt

Today I want to show you an easy way to make a tie. It is a perfect and personalized gift for Father Day. It is also pretty simple and fast to do. Here we go:


-old shirt;
-cotton fabric;
-thin wool linen;
-sheet of squared paper;
-square ruler;


1. Draw and cut the main pattern of the tie.

2. Cut the main shape.

3. Cut the lining.

4. Sew together the two tie shapes and the two lining shapes, in a 90º angle.

5. Pin and sew together the tips of the cotton fabric with the tie tips, both inside out. Then turn right face out.

6. Place the linen in the middle of the tie, with the two tips against the top and bottom ends of the tie.

7. Make a little fold on the whole edge of the tie and iron it, than fold to the centerline and iron it in place.

8. Do the same things on the other side, overlap slightly the other part. Pin it in place.

9. Sew from the bottom to the end, making small loop. Sew through the linen, but not the front part of the tie.

10. Cut a small rectangular piece of fabric, fold each edge a little bit and sew it in place.

All done! Give this personalized tie to your father. Hope he will like it.

