
Puff Style Embroidery Cap

I want to buy the puff style embroidery cap, and I search it on the Internet. But most of them are quite expensive. So I decide to embroider my own cap.


- A Cap
- Embroidery Thread
- A Needle
- Craft Foam
- Thread Locker


1. Preparing the Design. Make your own logo on the computer and print it out.

2. To thread your needle, seperate ALL of the strands of thread, and recombine 3 of them. This will help the threads lay flat ontop of the foam so the surface looks smoother.

3. Next pin down, with a single stitch, a few places around the design.

4. To cover all of the foam, some thread go from between the eyes, up the lightning bolt, and to the top of the head. After this, do a diagonal stitch on the lightning bolt. Horizontal stitches slide out of place and looks weird in the test piece.

5. After finish embroidering the main part, continue to embroider the eyes and nose.

Now all done! What a cool cap!

If you would like to buy an unique custom cap with any texts or pictures, you can come to snapmade.com to customize one by yourself. It is quite cheap.

