
Could Too-tight Jeans Leave You Weak in the Knees?

The personalized t-shirts and skinny jeans are very popular matches among women. It is the popular fashion. But The study said that squatting in skinny jeans can damage nerves and muscles in the legs.

Recently a woman was sent to hospital due to the skinny jeans. She was hospitalized for days after her jeans caused her to lose feeling in her legs.

The 35-year-old woman had spent her day helping a relative move, squatting for hours as she emptied closets. When she was walking home that night, her feet grew numb, and she tripped and fell. Immobilized, she spent hours on the ground before she was found and rushed to the hospital.

The doctor found that it was the tight jeans she was wearing that made her fall down. So the doctors were forced to cut the jeans off her calves because they had become so swollen.

The woman lost circulation in her lower legs and couldn't move her ankles or toes properly. If she hadn't been able to come to the hospital, the compression could have gone on longer and caused residual nerve damage, according to the study. 

After four days on an IV, she could walk again and was released from the hospital.

So if you don't want to be a fashion victim, think twice before wiggling into a too-tight pair of skinny jeans.

