
DIY Map Coasters

If you're going to give a gift to someone adventurous, maybe you can make the map coasters for him. It is easy to make these personalized coasters.

- 4×4 Tumbled Travertine Tile
- Modge Podge
- Fast-drying Polyurethane Topcoat
- Old map
- Scissors
- Foam brush


1. Gather all your supplies. Most of what you need for this project is available at your local home improvement store and craft store. I printed a picture of a map I found online, but you can use old maps if you have one lying around the house.

2. Place the tiles on top of the map and trace around each one. Cut along the lines.

3. You want your map to be slightly smaller than your tile, so that there are a bit of the tile peeking on each side. To get exact measurements, print 3.65 in. squares. Place them on top of the squares you made from Step 2. Cut out and round the edges with scissors.

4. Using the foam brush, apply a moderate amount of glossy Modge Podge on the tile. You want to brush enough Modge Podge that the map sticks to the tile, but not too much that it turns it to mush. Place the map squares at the center of the tile. Remove the bubbles by pressing from the center of the tile going out to the sides. Let it dry for about 30 minutes to one hour.

5. Waterproof your DIY coaster by applying a layer of waterproof topcoat. For added waterproofing, apply 3-4 layers of Modge Podge over the map. Seal the paper by using a generous amount of Modge Podge around the edges of your map coasters. Allow each layer to fully dry before applying the next layer.

6. Once dry, spray a layer of polyurethane for extra protection. It also gives your DIY map coasters a great finish.

7. Glue a piece of felt under your map coasters. This will prevent your personalized coasters from scratching your furniture. You can cut one large square or four smaller squares to put in each corner.

All done.

