
DIY iPad Case

Today I want to I want to share a DIY project with you. That is make the DIY iPad case. It’s so easy and will make a great gift. See how I make this lovely personalized iPad case.

Gather These Supplies:

- iPad case
- Fabric Mod Podge
- Satin Mod Podge
- Fabric of your choice
- Paintbrush
- Scissors
- Detail scissors
- Waxed paper
- Sandpaper


1. To prepare your fabric, just paint a medium layer of Mod Podge on the fabric and let dry. Cover an area big enough to cover the iPad case.

2. Place the iPad case on a wood frame for support and then lightly sand it so that the Mod Podge will adhere more easily. You just need to rough up the surface.

3. Paint a layer of Mod Podge onto the iPad case and then smoothed the fabric down on top and let dry.

4. Tackling the edges takes some time. I made sure that folding over the fabric wouldn't affect the fit of the case on my iPad, then I painted the sides down. You might have to hold some areas for a minute or so until they attach, and you are probably going to have to cut the corners and fold them like a present to make them work. It’s not hard.

5. I used the detail scissors to trim around the ports and areas where parts of the iPad need to come through. The detail scissors are quite sharp so I also used them to poke the camera hole. Let everything dry and then give it a few topcoats.

All done, my friends. You now have a beautiful iPad case for yourself or for a gift.

