

I carry an iPad with me at all times, use it almost as much as my phone. Made this cover today out of some leftover faux leather to protect it and give it a bit more of a luxe feel.


* soft leather
* elastic band
* upholstery scissors or a rotary cutter
* suede cord
* pins
* needle
* thread
* xacto
* glue


1. Cut down your leather using your ipad as a guide. Leave it long on top and bottom.

2. Cut out four strips of the elastic, making sure they're long enough to essentially loop around the corners of the ipad.

3. Using your ipad as a guide, measure and mark where your elastic pieces will go to securely fit. If they're too loose, un pin and pin again. You want to make sure they're as tight as possible so it won't fall out. Pin the elastic down into place.

4. Sew the elastic bands into the leather. If your elastic is not perfectly straight, as long as you have enough leather to trim off on top and bottom – you can make it straight afterwards.

5. If the back looks wonky once the elastic is sewn in, you can cut out another piece of leather and glued them together.

6. Once the leathers dry, measure, mark and cut out the shape you want. You can do a straight line with a rotary cutter or scissors. You can cut it long enough so there would be a flap on the right side of the ipad.

7. Using an xacto, cut a slit onto your flap and make sure it's wide enough for your cord to thread through. Knot it on the inside, and trim it to where you can wrap the cord around the case a couple of times.

OK, that's it! That is the finished personalized iPad case.

