
Elderly Couple "Together Since 1952"

Recently, a picture of an elderly couple become an Internet hit.

This elderly couple, each with their own cane, was walking in the street. The couple, had on custom baseball caps and jerseys that stood out from the crowd. 

The husband was wearing a Cardinals jersey with the word “Together” and the number “19.” His wife of 63 years, a Giants fan, wore a jersey from the away team with the word “Since” and the number “52.”That is awesome. The jerseys, which side-by-side say, “Together Since 1952.”

The elderly couple has married for 63 years. Despite supporting different teams,they attend Cardinals-Giants game with customized jerseys: “They've been married forever and call a truce whenever their teams are in the same place at the same game.”

When they were asked about the secret to the long couple's long marriage, the wife said,"He always has the last word ... Yes, Dear."

This is what life is all about. Through all the bitter and sweet, it seems all that matters to this wonderful couple is their love and devotion.

