
DIY iPhone Cases

I have today a super fun tutorial just for you my dear friends! How to give your phone case a new look!


* glitter
* tinsel or streamers
* Mod Podge
* brushes
* paint
* scissors and/or hole punch
* clear iPhone case


1. Assemble your glitter components. I used about a tablespoon-sized amount of glitter, tinsel and hand-cut streamers. To make the streamer parallelograms, I took a few strands and cut them long ways and then bunched them in a group and cut at an angle.

2. Working on one phone at a time, coat the inside of the case with a thin layer of Mod Podge. Distribute your glittery elements the way you’d like, dropping them from above or gently placing them with the tip of your finger. Try not to smudge or move the Mod Podge too much or you’ll leave a smear.

3. When your Mod Podge is totally dry, remove any excess glitter elements that didn't full adhere, and either apply another coat and more glitter or move on to your paint.

4. Apply a thin layer of paint and wait for it to fully dry. I did two thin coats on each phone. 5. Once the paint has fully dried, apply a final thin coat of Mod Podge to seal the paint.

Attach this personalized phone case to your phone, and you’re done!

