
10 Signs that You are in Love

1. You get butterflies

One of the sure signs that you are falling on love is when you see that person your stomach has so many butterflies that it feels like it's literally going to explode. There comes a point when see him or her and you just can’t stop smiling. He basically gives you that warm fuzzy feeling that makes you feel all tingly inside.

2. Your appetite shrinks or disappears

All things considered, in the presence of that “unique” person, you could be starving and ready to eat a horse, but when you hit that restaurant you immediately start searching for the smallest possible dish on the menu. You know you need to order something or the guy will think you have some sort of dietary issues, yet whatever it is better be small and easy to swallow.

3. You start watching Romantic Comedies

There are people out there who only see romantic comedies when they are falling for someone. There is nothing great like watching a romantic movie when you start developing feelings for someone. Especially when the two characters start to realize that they are falling in love.

4. You always hear love songs on the radio When love songs are played in the radio you get that little jolt of glee and let put that occasional ‘’Ahhhh’’ when things get too heavy for you. Subconsciously you select a song that you associate with that someone. You even sing along to these songs but better make the person doesn’t catch you.

5. Everything makes you think of him

Everything that happens throughout your life some way or another gets to be about this person. You feel the need to share each and every experience with this person. Each love song that is blasting on the radio basically speaks the truth about him.

6. You begin daydreaming

There you’ll be, sitting in your office, and all of a sudden you’ll transport yourself to some romantic destination. Your date arrives looking fantastic. You look hot, and he knows it. He holds your hand, and whispers in your ear. Your heart begins to race as he goes in for the kiss — and it’s right then your office fire alarm caution goes off and you need to evacuate the building.

7. You start going to the gym

Even if you never cared about your weight, when you begin to fall for somebody, something will urge to start training. You have no clue why, yet instead of unwinding on the couch with a glass of wine, and Sex in the City re-runs, you’re on the treadmill pounding away.

8. You completely lose the ability to speak

Even some skilled professionals and other top experts lose complete control of their ability to speak when faced with someone of the opposite sex they find appealing. These people communicate for a living. Yet, put an attractive man or lady before them and they crumble. When you find yourself dumb struck or making stupid conversation about a guy’s shoes then chances are you are fatally attracted to him.

9. You check your phone every 10 seconds

Many people do this constantly. Every minute they take out their cell phone and take a look at the screen. What makes me laugh is the fact that these people most likely have their phone on ring or vibrate. In the event that somebody sends you a text, it will ring or vibrate. You’ll hear it! Yet they continue grabbing their cells just on the off chance that a message came in and they suffered temporary deafness.

10. You save all their text messages

Oh my gosh! The guy just sent you a message saying, “I had an incredible time. You’re so cute, it’s totally insane.” That message is going straight into the saved folder for safe keeping alongside the other 200 messages you have from him. Actually, I need you to take a look at your phone at right now. How many saved messages do you have from someone you like?

If you love someone, let him/her know. Seeking some personalized gifts to show your love? Snapmade is your ideal choice.

