
Hungry Dog Learn to Say "Mama" before a Baby

Today, I watched an funny video on YouTube. It's about the an shepherd dog saying "mama" in a bid to be fed.

In an attempt to get her young son Samuel to speak, the mum tells him to say the word 'mama' while she appears to use the food as an incentive. She continually vocalises the word and addresses her son. But Samuel merely looks around the room looking slightly confused.

Meanwhile the dog Patches is standing alongside Samuel and whines in anticipation of some food and ever so slightly begins articulating the sound being made by its owner.

Then, Samuel's mum scoops up some of the food onto her fork and repeats the process - again addressing young Samuel.

Incredibly Patches then begins mouthing in a more controlled fashion and manages to clearly articulate the word 'mama'.

Rather humorously, the video then concludes with Samuel reaching out his hand to stop Patches from talking - as if annoyed that Patches had spoken first.

Funny, isn't it?

Do you also have such an cute baby and dog? They will make you happy. Wanna give gifts to them? Come to snapmade.com to create the personalized baby bibs and pet tags with the funny pictures.

