
DIY Pillow Case Easily

Hey, friends! Today I want to show you how to make your own pillow case quickly. 

Start measuring the fabric you will need by placing the pillow on the "wrong side" of the fabric. Right now you just need to measure the width. This isn't an exact process because your pillow form could be a different size, but just make sure you have enough fabric to cover the sides of the pillow and still be able to sew it together.

Cut for the length, then fold the fabric over the pillow and cut for the width. You will want to cut at least 4 inches longer than you will actually need to wrap around the pillow so you can make a nice pocket to slide the pillow form into. 

Sew a large hem onto each of the short sides Make sure you still have enough fabric to cover the entire pillow after the hems are sewn. My hems usually end up being about an inch and a half wide but it doesn't really matter exactly how wide they are, just that there is still plenty of fabric to go around the whole pillow.

Now place the pillow inside the fabric with hems. The hems should just overlap each other. When you do this make sure your fabric is the wrong side out so you can sew what you will need to sew next. Pin the sides together. Do the first one while the pillow is laying inside and then remove the pillow form and make the second side match.

Flip the this personalized pillow case the right side out and use the pocket gap to place your pillow form inside.

That's it!

