
DIY Beer Coasters

My elder brother just recently moved, and I was looking for the perfect house warming gift that wouldn't break the bank, since his birthday was also just a few days later.

So, I decided to make beer coasters- perfect for a man cave, and relatively inexpensive! Although, that is assuming you can gather the six pack holders for free in your daily life without having to buy them just for this craft- like I did.

Here are the supplies for this craft:

- Six-Pack cardboard beer holders
- Scissors
- Ceramic tiles
- Felt
- Mod Podge
- Hi-gloss Lacquer

Start doing this craft after gathering the supplies. Here are the instructions:

1. Trace the outline of your tile onto the back of the cardboard, and cut out square shapes. It's always better to cut them a bit too big and then trim back to get the perfect fit.

2. Apply a layer of mod podge to the cardboard square and attach to the front of the tile and allow to dry for at least 15 minutes. The edges tend to pop up a bit, so I suggest maybe putting it under a heavy book while it is drying so the edges stay down, or you can hold them down as well. A reader who tried this also suggested binder clips- which I think would also work perfectly!

3. Cut out squares of felt for the bottom of the coasters to keep them from scratching whatever surface they are on. You can trace the tile with a marker if you'd like, and then cut out the shape. Then, apply a light layer of Mod Podge to the TILE -not the felt, or it seeps through and makes the felt piece unusable, and stick the felt on.

4. Apply 2-4 layers of mod podge over the top of the cardboard squares, allowing each layer to dry for about 10 minutes before applying the next one. After that is done, I also sprayed two coats of a hi-gloss lacquer for added protection, since these are going to a boy and will likely get lots of wear and tear. Allow to dry for 24 hours, and you are done!

My brother LOVED the personalized coasters and even asked if I could make them more. I agreed- as long as they provided the six pack holders for the next ones!

