
Create Your Own Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw puzzles are great of kids and their development. Hands-eye co-ordination, fine motor skills, recognition of shapes or colours etc. So as an alternative to buying them consider making them yourself. It's very easy.


1. Select a picture you want to use on your completed puzzle.

2. Find some suitable backing. Either the cardboard backing or foam backing is available.

3. Mounting your picture or image onto your chosen backing. Use the dry glue to mount pictures to backing board.

4. When your mounted picture has dried completely, turn your picture over and use a pencil and ruler to lightly trace a grid of squares onto the back of the board.
5. When the entire back section has been turned into a grid of even-sized squares, use your pencil to create the little interlock shapes between each piece. Make them unusual sizes or individual shapes.

6. When you've completed outlining your pieces and shapes with pencil, it’s time to cut out your shapes. You can use a sharp utility knife to cut your pieces.

7. Break apart the cut pieces and place them in a large zip-lock bag. Paste the second copy you made of your picture to the top of the box using your dry glue spray to use as a reference picture for the person solving the puzzle.

That is how the personalized jigsaw puzzle being made. Easy, right?

