
Make the Baby Bibs by Yourself

It is quite easy to make a baby bib. You can sew it with a sewing machine or you can even sew it by hand. Let's get started!

- sewing machine and/or needle and thread
- closure of choice - pattern (you can choose it by yourself)
- pins
- iron + ironing board


1. Cut out the bibs.
Print the pattern out and cut on the lines. We'll be cutting out the pattern on the fold. You're going to cut out two pieces.
Fold your fabric over so that the pattern fits and pin the paper to the fabric - make sure you go through both layers of fabric! Cut around the pattern and then repeat the folding, pinning and cutting a second time.

2. Pin the bib pieces together.
Pin the pieces together, ride sides facing. Leave an opening of 2-3 inches on the right side.
I like to mark the opening with pins that overlap the edges, and do the rest of the pinning within the edges of the bib.

Well, that is how you make the personalized baby bibs. Easy, right? Just follow my instructions, then you can make it by yourself.

