
DIY Graphic Print Hoodie

Today, follow me to learn how to make your own graphin print hoodie. It's super easy.


- Hoodie
- Fabric Paint
- Foam Brush
- Freezer Paper
- Exacto Knife
- Iron


1. Draw out your design on freezer paper. You can use a stencil, print out, or you can just free hand it.

2. Cut out your design with an exacto knife. This will be your stencil. Remember to keep the little pieces for inside your letters, you’ll need those!

3. Iron the freezer paper to your hoodie. Don’t forget to iron on the little inside pieces of your letters.

4. DAB paint onto your stencil. You may need a few coats.

5. After the paint is dry, you can peel off your stencil. To keep the paint from getting crunchy, iron over the dry paint before you’re done.

Done! That's it - personalized hoodie! Easy, right?

