

I carry an iPad with me at all times, use it almost as much as my phone. Made this cover today out of some leftover faux leather to protect it and give it a bit more of a luxe feel.

A nap a day could save your life

Research suggests a daily nap could reduce blood pressure and stave off heart attacks.


10 Signs that You are in Love

1. You get butterflies

One of the sure signs that you are falling on love is when you see that person your stomach has so many butterflies that it feels like it's literally going to explode. There comes a point when see him or her and you just can’t stop smiling. He basically gives you that warm fuzzy feeling that makes you feel all tingly inside.


National Dog Day

Wednesday is National Dog Day, a celebration of man's best friend. Founded in 2004, National Dog Day is intended to be an observance to both honor your pets and remember how many dogs still need to be rescued.

Expectant mothers' diet related to baby heart risk

Researchers believe that women who eat healthily before and during pregnancy may cut the risk of their baby developing a heart problem.

In the study, half of the women had babies with heart problems while the other half did not.

When the researchers compared the diets of these two groups they found a healthier maternal diet was associated with a lower chance of congenital heart defects.

Pregnant women in the top 25% of diet quality, had a lower risk of having a baby with certain heart defects - atrial septal defects and Tetralogy of Fallot - than those in the bottom 25%, even after accounting for other factors such as whether the mother took folic acid or was a smoker.

Congenital heart disease is one of the most common types of birth defect, affecting up to nine in every 1,000 babies born in the UK.

Mild defects, such as holes in the heart, often don't need to be treated, as they may improve on their own and may not cause any further problems. But others can be more serious and some, lethal.

In most cases, something has gone wrong in the early development of the foetus. Some heart conditions are due to faulty genes or chromosomes. But often it is unclear why the baby's heart has not developed normally.

This is an interesting study which highlights the importance of diet right from the start of life.

A healthy diet before, during and after pregnancy can have benefits for both mother and child and, as seen here, the whole diet should be taken into consideration, rather than solely focusing on individual nutrients. Eating well isn't a guaranteed way to avoid congenital heart defects, but this will be another factor that will motivate women planning a pregnancy to make healthy choices.

Are you ready to be a mummy? Be sure to eat healthy. Seeking the gifts for your coming baby? Visit snapmade.com, here you can create the custom baby's clothing, custom bibs, etc.



DIY Notebook Sewn Tote Bag

Want to seek some funny back to school project for the new school term? Here I want to show you how to make a notebook sewn tote bag. It is the perfect back to school project.


DIY Back-to-School Notebook Lined Tee

I know we don't want to think about it, but it's almost time for school to start. Are you thinking about giving some special back-to-school gifts for your child? Here I want to share a notebook lined tee project with you. It is super easy. You can make this personalized tee for your child by yourself.

Elderly Couple "Together Since 1952"

Recently, a picture of an elderly couple become an Internet hit.


Toddler's vocabulary at 2 can prodict their future success?

Toddler's vocabulary at 2 can prodict their future success? The answer is YES. Researchers have claimed that child's vocabulary at age two could reveal their future success.


DIY iPhone Cases

I have today a super fun tutorial just for you my dear friends! How to give your phone case a new look!


* glitter
* tinsel or streamers
* Mod Podge
* brushes
* paint
* scissors and/or hole punch
* clear iPhone case


1. Assemble your glitter components. I used about a tablespoon-sized amount of glitter, tinsel and hand-cut streamers. To make the streamer parallelograms, I took a few strands and cut them long ways and then bunched them in a group and cut at an angle.

2. Working on one phone at a time, coat the inside of the case with a thin layer of Mod Podge. Distribute your glittery elements the way you’d like, dropping them from above or gently placing them with the tip of your finger. Try not to smudge or move the Mod Podge too much or you’ll leave a smear.

3. When your Mod Podge is totally dry, remove any excess glitter elements that didn't full adhere, and either apply another coat and more glitter or move on to your paint.

4. Apply a thin layer of paint and wait for it to fully dry. I did two thin coats on each phone. 5. Once the paint has fully dried, apply a final thin coat of Mod Podge to seal the paint.

Attach this personalized phone case to your phone, and you’re done!


Do you get enough sleep?

We’re all familiar with the old proverb "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise". But since the advent of electricity, the amount of sleep we are getting has been in steady decline.

We spend nearly a third of our lives asleep but how much sleep an individual takes and actually needs can vary greatly.

In many cultures an afternoon nap or siesta is a way of life and the health benefits are impressive with increased stamina, reduced heart disease, improved mental ability and better moods.

Studies have shown that a one hour nap can actually improve our mental alertness by up to 10 hours.

Lots of mammals sleep irregularly throughout the day too, it's just us humans that choose to sleep in large chunks throughout the night. 

We're actually pre-programmed to sleep twice a day with our perfect nap zones around 2am and 2pm which explains why we're often tired after lunch, especially after eating carbohydrates which contain tryptophan that can make us drowsy. 

Having an extra hour's sleep each night can really make a difference to a person's health? Researches suggest that getting closer to eight hours of sleep a night can make a huge difference to your health in just a few days and potentially be even more beneficial than hitting the gym. Remember, if you're feeling sleepy during the day it's your body's way of telling you that you need more sleep.

Staying up at night does harm to your health. Hang a clock on the wall or wear a custom watch on the hand to remind you the time to sleep.


DIY Stamped Watermelon Doormat by Yourself

Usually,a doormat is quite necessary in your house if you do not want to let your doormat get dirty. Here I want to introduce the diy stamped watermelon doormat to you.


Baby and Dog Share the Same Birthday

 Dog’s are often called “man’s best friend.”Mankind's bond with canines often goes over and above what we'd expect, whether it's us saving dogs or them saving us. But this little pup's bond with a newborn baby is the most heartfelt, precious thing we've seen in a long time.

DIY Photo Canvas

Hi my dear friends! Today I want to share a diy photo canvas tutorial with you. Now, here we go.


Sleeping less than 6 Hours a Night is Seriously Bad for Your Health

Multiple studies have shown that a lack of sleep is associated with other problems such as diabetes and heart disease - with the sleep-deprived 12% more likely to die prematurely.

The middle-aged will be targeted by a major publicity drive in the Press and online, aiming to help them live more healthy lifestyles and reduce the risk of serious illness.

Health bosses fear that the age group is often 'neglected' because people focus more on the health problems suffered by children and the elderly.

Along with more traditional lifestyle changes such as giving up smoking and eating healthier, the over-40s will be told to ensure they get enough sleep. 

Research has found that failing to get enough sleep can have deadly consequences, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes as well as obesity.

Scientists say that sleep deprivation upsets the balance of key hormones leptin and ghrelin, which regulate the appetite and help us know when we have eaten enough.

The modern lifestyle of staying up late and getting up early is a 'ticking time bomb for our health', according to researchers. One contributing factor is the increasing use of smartphones and tablets before going to bed, which reduces the level of melatonin and makes it harder to get to sleep.

"Stopping smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, taking more exercise, improving diet, reducing stress, improving sleep and checking for common signs and symptoms of disease." By making these seven lifestyle changes, the adults in mid-life will vastly improve chances of a longer, more active and fulfilled life.

So if you want to live longer, get more sleep. (Get the custom pillow case at snapmade.com to help you sleep better.)


Make Beautiful Watercolor Mug

I like the watercolor mug. I think it is beautiful. I try to use the watercolor to paint the mug and it turns out great! Here is how I do.


Physical Appearance is the Most Important?

I read a funny news in my Facebook that: Groom sues his bride for damages one day after their wedding after seeing her without make-up for the first time and feeling 'cheated'.


Hungry Dog Learn to Say "Mama" before a Baby

Today, I watched an funny video on YouTube. It's about the an shepherd dog saying "mama" in a bid to be fed.

In an attempt to get her young son Samuel to speak, the mum tells him to say the word 'mama' while she appears to use the food as an incentive. She continually vocalises the word and addresses her son. But Samuel merely looks around the room looking slightly confused.

Meanwhile the dog Patches is standing alongside Samuel and whines in anticipation of some food and ever so slightly begins articulating the sound being made by its owner.

Then, Samuel's mum scoops up some of the food onto her fork and repeats the process - again addressing young Samuel.

Incredibly Patches then begins mouthing in a more controlled fashion and manages to clearly articulate the word 'mama'.

Rather humorously, the video then concludes with Samuel reaching out his hand to stop Patches from talking - as if annoyed that Patches had spoken first.

Funny, isn't it?

Do you also have such an cute baby and dog? They will make you happy. Wanna give gifts to them? Come to snapmade.com to create the personalized baby bibs and pet tags with the funny pictures.

DIY Glass Photo Ornament

If you like making photo gifts, you can make the glass photo ornaments. The are the perfect keepsake or gift. Now let's start this tutorial.


DIY Your Own Custom Blanket

It is so easy to make your own custom blanket. All you need is a few yards of fabric and some thread. You can use a sewing machine or just use your hand to make the blanket. It's up to you.


Customize Your Own Watch

Get tired of your watch looks? Want to change looks? In today's turorial I will show you how to make your own personalized watch with different looks as you like in a super easy way.