
Painting the T-shirt with Your Kids

If you are in need of craft ideas that you can make with your kids, consider using your kid's hands and feet to paint on the T-shirt. T-shirts are inexpensive and easy to decorate with paint. Painting T-shirts with kids is not only an activity that passes time, but also lets your kids create a design that they can call their own. By adding a thin coat of paint to your kid's hands and feet, you can have your child make footprints and handprints on t-shirt. Your kids can wear their custom T-shirts around the house and out to events once the paint is dry.

Here is the instructions of footprint designs:
1. Purchase fabric paint from your area craft or retail superstore.
2. Wash and dry the T-shirt to ensure it will not shrink once painted.
3. Place the T-shirts on three to four sheets of newspaper or plastic sheeting. 4. Pour the paint in a plastic container or paper plate and use a sponge to apply paint to your kids' feet.
5. Have your kids walk and jump on the T-shirts. Let them be creative and make borders or draw out a design with one toe.
6. Let your kids sign the T-shirts, using a small paintbrush once the design is finished.
7. Hang the shirts on a clothesline or drying rack to air dry.

Here is the instructions of handprint designs:
1. Purchase colored T-shirts and fabric paint in multiple colors including white. 2. Lay the shirts in a row on a newspaper or plastic sheeting-covered table or floor.
3. Let your kids start at one end of the table or floor and paint a scene from their favorite book, movie or computer game across the shirts with their fingers. Assign each kid a specific part of the scene to speed up the process.
4. Once finish the design and the T-shirts are dry, dress each of your kids in the shirts to see the complete scene.

Start painting the personalized T-shirt with your kids. It can be interesting!

