
DIY Photo Canvas

Do you want a personalized canvas to decorate your room? You don't need to pay extra money to let someone else to customize one for you. You can easily create a canvas by transferring your photo to canvas. Here is what you can do:

- stretched canvas
- gel medium
- paint brush
- the image you want to transfer (laser copy, the image should be printed reversed)
- a spray bottle filled with water.

1. Cover your canvas with gel medium thoroughly. Use a heavy coat.
2. Press the photo copy onto the canvas and let it dry for several hours till it is completely dry.
3. Use a spray bottle to wet the top of the paper.
4. Use your fingers to rub the surface until pieces of the paper start coming off and your image is revealed. It is not easy to rub the surface, you need patience. Be careful not to rub too hard as this can remove your transfer on accident. Continue until all the paper is removed and the image is completely visible!
5. Cover your canvas with one more coat of gel medium to seal and protect the image.

This is how you transfer your photo to canvas. Your personalized photo canvas may be imperfect. But never mind! Sometimes the imperfections are absolutely lovely!

