
How to Clean the Glasses Cloth?

Many eyeglass wearers prefer to use a special personalized glasses cloth to clean their glasses. Fortunately, the cleaning cloths themselves are easy to clean. And if you take the cares, they deserve, you will be able to use them for a very long period.

So how to clean the glasses cloth correctly?

1. Wash the cloth in warm water with one to two drops of mild liquid dish soap or liquid laundry detergent. Both forms of soap will work equally well, so use whatever one you have on hand. Pay special attention to the temperature of the water. Warm is best because it will open the fibers of the cloth, causing them to let go of any dirt that has built up on the cloth.

2. Rinse the cloth well to remove any soap from it. If you do not rinse all of the soap out of the cloth, you run the risk of rubbing soap onto the lens of your glasses, which can cause scratches.

3. You can also use the washing machine, preferably on the gentle cycle, if you choose not to wash the cloth by hand. Do not use fabric softener. The chemicals in the softener will act like a wax and clog the fibers in the cloth, rendering it unable to pick up dirt from the lenses.

4. Put the cloth in the dryer on the low setting or air dry. The cloth will regain its softness.

Easy! Isn't it? Just have a try!

