
DIY Marbled Mugs

 As we head into Winter, a great cup of coffee may be our fairly constant companion throughout the day. It warms us, energizes us, and helps us tackle our to-do list.

 Have you ever seen nail polish marbling done before? Do you love the organic and free form feel of the end result.Nail polish crafts are so trendy now.Why not create marbled mug for ourselves.

 You need to prepare:

 Nail Polish
 Plain White Mugs (Washed and Dried)
 Disposable Tub
 Skewer or Toothpick
 Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge
 Parchment Paper

 The best tips I can give you for marbling with nail polish are using hot water working quickly. The nail polish is going to want to harden pretty quickly upon hitting the surface of the water, and hot water will delay this process a bit. 

 Fill your tub (use one that you don’t mind throwing away afterwards) with hot water, and carefully drip your nail polish onto the surface of the water. Pour as close to the surface as you can, as this will keep the nail polish from sinking down into your water.

 If desired, use your toothpick or skewer to swirl the polish around so that it covers the surface of the water. Immediately dip your mug into the water, and let it sit for a second or two to help the polish adhere to the mug. Remove mug, and place upside down on parchment paper to dry.

 Switch out water between mugs, and repeat!

 Once you begin, you’ll be amazed at how quickly the process goes.

 If desired, you can seal with a couple of coats of Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge. I’m not sure if I’d necessarily stick them in the dishwasher, but it’ll give them a bit more protection from day-to-day hand washing.

 Quick note: You will want to be careful not to get any nail polish near the top of the mugs (where your mouth would touch). As I said above, I’d recommend hand washing only.

 Want to learn to make your own marbled DIY mugs? Let’s get started...

