
How to Make a Personalized Tote Bag

Today I want to share with you a personalized DIY - DIY tote bag.


— tote bag
— acrylic paint
— scrap cardboard
— scissors
— ruler
— masking tape
— pencil
— pen
— paintbrush
— graph paper


1. Cut out a 1/2-inch square from the corner of the scrap cardboard. This will serve as a guide to create straight “x”s on your tote.

2. Plan out your monogram on the graph paper. Add lines along the side of your letter. This will serve as a guide when you paint it on the tote. 3. Use painter’s tape to create lines along the sides of your tote that mimic the lines alongside your image on the graph paper. Then, mark your starting point with the pencil.

4. Paint the first x. Continue to follow the pattern on your graph paper, making x’s on your tote bag using the cardboard as a guide.

Done! That is your personalized tote bag.

