
DIY Glitter Mousepad

Want to make your old mousepad a fresh look? Here is how you can do:


– Mousepad
– Card stock 
– Painter’s tape
– Mod Podge
– Brush
– Glitter
– Paint


1. Buy yourself some quality card stock, 80 pound weight or greater. Take your mousepad and trace the outline onto the paper. Cut out your shape.

2. Place some Mod Podge in a small disposable receptacle. We used foil cupcake liners but we’ve worked with Dixie cups before to great success. Liberally apply Mod Podge to one side of your paper, then carefully place and align on top of your mousepad.

3. Start decorating. Use painter’s tape to create a pattern. You can mix your Mod Podge with some glitter and paint your pad. If you want to get funky with it, grab some kitchen cabinet liner. Place it over your mousepad that’s been covered with paper. Tape the sides down and then paint over with a contrasting color.

Let the mousepad dry, then you can get your own personalized mousepad.

