
DIY St. Patrick’s Day T-Shirt

Today, I want to show you a new way to make the St. Patrick’s Day t-shirt by yourself. 

To make the eraser-stamped DIY St. Patrick’s Day shirt you will need:

– clover pattern
– a shirt
– Freezer Paper
– fabric paint
– pencil with an unused eraser Let’s get started!

1. Trace the clover shape on the NON-shiny side of a piece of freezer paper.

2. Cut out the clover shape. If you were doing a more intricate design, you could use an X-Acto knife, but scissors worked fine here.

3. Put the clover, shiny side down, on your shirt. Iron it on.

4. Dip the eraser in green paint and start stamping around the clover. Make sure to put another piece of freezer paper inside the shirt to keep the paint from leaking through.

5. Put the dots closer together around the clover and then gradually faded them out.

6. Let the paint dry and peel off the freezer paper. Follow the instructions on your paint to heat set it.

There you go! That's the funny personalized t-shirt! Cute and simple!

