
3 Ways to Be Instantly More Productive

Here are 3 stategies for becoming your smartest, fastest, best self.

1. Ask yourself why you’re doing something

The people who are best at staying motivated tend to link tasks to a long-term goal or something that’s deeply meaningful to them.

2. Think big picture

Many people make to-do lists by literally writing down every little thing they have to do—but there’s a much more strategic way to approach your tasks for the day.

Start by thinking about your biggest goal (say, saving money to buy a house or creating a personal website), and write it at the top of a paper. Then, below that, structure that goal into smaller steps. This will be your blueprint for making your goal a reality.

One popular way to map out a plan is by using the acronym SMART:

Specific: Write down exactly what you want to achieve.
Measurable: How are you going to assess when you’re done? Make sure you define it.
Achievable: Is this doable? What do you need in place to get this done? Realistic: Be pragmatic. How can you actually make this happen? What might stand in your way? How can you avoid and/or bounce back from potential pitfalls? Timeline: Will this task take an hour or a month? Set aside the time you’ll need, and protect it.

3. Take control of one aspect of the situation—no matter how small

It’s very hard to be enthusiastic about a task that you feel is being forced on you. In order to feel motivated to do something, we have to feel like we’re in control.

Asserting your control over a situation—even in seemingly unimportant ways—can help you feel better about it. Say you’ve been putting off filing your expense reports, for example. You might want to listen to a new album that you’re excited to hear while you do it. The key is to find some choice, however small, that makes you feel like you’re in the driver’s seat.

