
Boost Your Creativity

Creativity is always a leap of faith. You’re faced with a blank page, a blank easel or an empty stage. It’s all part of the process when you live a creative life or work in a creative field, but some days the blankness gets the better of you. You can’t seem to write the first word, paint the first mark or speak the first line.

1. Mute your inner critic

It’s easy to stop yourself short when you’re in a creative mindset, shooting down ideas before they have a chance to fully form. Once you have a list, you challenge yourself to come up with ideas connected to each of those words. Not all of the ideas will be great, but that’s not the point; with that understanding, you can retrain your brain to be less afraid of self-censoring and have more total ideas from which to choose.

2. Turn down the pressure

Creative genius is inside of all of us, and our creativity can—and perhaps, should—be separated from our sense of self.once you start just showing up and waiting for creativity to come to you, it will. Sometimes more slowly than at other times, but it will.

3. Start mating your ideas

Ideas are great, but ideas borne of multiple other good ideas are even better. If you’re looking for inspiration, try mashing up the best features of two great ideas you’ve already had to create something entirely new.

4. Reframe obstacles as opportunities

Every creative type needs to hear at some point—or at many points. Flaws, challenges, mistakes and other unexpected obstacles force us to slow down and to think differently, which often results in better outcomes.

5. Have a little fun

Fear of judgment is often what causes us to be conservative, to censor ourselves and to be embarrassed about what we create. But it turns out, children don’t self-edit in that way; they’re focused more on possibility than judgement. Through playing, we can get back into taht childlike mindset.

6. Diversify your portfolio

It’s easy to fall into the same old habits and find yourself struggling to create anything new. But sometimes, a lack of creative output comes as a result of a lack of new inputs. Books have an extraordinary power to take you out of yourself and into someone else’s mindset so that, for a while at least, you look at the world through different eyes.

When you’re feeling creatively off, the instinct is to keep pushing forward on the same path, with greater force. But sometimes, by making a simple shift in your perspective, your process or your experiences, you can adjust your mindset just enough for something to click into place.

Want to turn your creativity into the realities? Snapmade is that platform that enable you to use your creativity.

