
DIY Project: "Hey There" Doormat

The doormat at your front door gives visitors the first impression of your home. It can not only greet the visitors but also create the simple function of making your home clean.You can also easily make the fun doormat by yourself.


- plain doormat
- matte finish spray paint
- satin longer length sewing pins
- scissors - 8 sheets of 60# paper 
- either a sheet or large sheets of paper


1. To create the “HEY THERE” stencils, use a computer program that you can easily write in (such as Word or Illustrator). Write “HEY THERE” or the phrase of your choosing. Change font to Snell Roundhand and set the size to 700. You’ll print one letter per page. In order to make “HEY THERE” you will need 8 sheets of 60# paper (The “f” will need two pages). Print and cut out the letters with scissors.

2. Place the letters on the mat in your desired location. Make sure to place them all before pinning or they may not be straight.

3. Pin your letters down. Each pin should be no more than 1″ apart. Where the letters are thinner in places, you may want to have the pins closer.

4. Prepare your workspace by placing either the sheet or large sheets of paper on the ground. Place your mat on the paper/sheet. Make sure there are at least 6 inches of extra space from the paper/sheet around the mat so the floor underneath does not get ruined when painting.
5. Make sure the paper stencils are as close to the surface of the mat as possible before spraying. This will help the design come out clean. You can push down the paper more with your fingers.

6. It’s time to spray paint! Shake the container according to the directions on the label. Hold the can parallel to the mat and 6″-10″ from the surface. In a sweeping motion go back and forth to cover the mat. Once the first layer of paint is on, wait one minute, then repeat as many times as you need to get the coat color you want.

7. Let the mat dry completely.

That is how the personalized doormat made. You can place the mat somewhere fun so it can make you smile every time you and your guests see it, or it can be a great gift, too.

