
DIY Painted Plate

How do you deal with the old plates? Maybe you just throw them away. However, you can recycle these old plates. Just using the ceramic paint. the old plates will get a completely new look.No need mad artistic skills, just have fun. It's also a great project to do with friends, so grab your besties, put on a movie, and start painting!

- Ceramic plates
- Masking or painter’s tape
- Small brushes - Water
- Something to pour paint onto and use as a palette
- Pebeo Porcelaine paint in your chosen colors
- Paper Towels
- Access to an oven
- Something to protect your work surface


1. Clean and dry the plates. Cover your work surface and have a bit of water and paper towels handy to clean your brushes.

2. Prepare the Paint. Pour a bit of each color of Pebeo paint onto a palette. Leave room on your palette to mix colors if you’d like.

3. Add Detail. Using your brush, just start filling in the areas you want to paint. Have fun with painting whatever areas you want.

4. Bake. Finish the plate by “curing” them in the oven, following the directions on the paint bottle.

Finished! Now these personalized plates are completely food safe and able to be washed in the dishwasher.

