
Make Your Own Bookmarks

A folded corner. A spare receipt. An optimistic belief that we can totally remember the page number. We all have our ways of marking our place in a book before closing it for the time being -- but far too often that method is unreliable or unattractive.

Have no fear, you can make custom bookmark, which will still mark our books long after we've finished reading! A good bookmark will hold your place more clearly and reliably than a grubby bit of scrap paper, and it will ensure the structural integrity of each page in the book is preserved. Once you've tried a good bookmark, you'll never want to go back to the dark days of guessing whether you were at page 67 or page 76. There are some tips for you to make your custom bookmarks.

You can turn your children's drawings into a bookmark for their bedtime stories. If you're making more than one bookmark at once, save time and money by arranging all your bookmarks inside a large laminating pouch about 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) from one another. Secure with a dab from a clear glue stick to hold them in place, and laminate them all at once. If your beads have a particularly large hole, you may need to knot the ribbon several times to make they stay put. If you don't like the heavy beaded tassel you can purchase a tassel from craft stores. Tie a small feather to the end of the ribbon, use plain ribbon or don't have a tassel at all.
You can download many free bookmark templates and images online for a quick and easy mark-making process.

