
Get Ready for Halloween with Your Personalized Hoodies

Like many high school students, Jhaney Hamlett prefers wearing a hoodie instead of a coat during the winter months. But instead of complaining about the cold or suffering in silence, Hamlett has turned her preference into a business plan.

The Newark High School junior will compete Thursday against 35 other business teams from around the country as she presents the plan for her business, Heated Hoodies, at the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship National Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge in Silicon Valley, Calif.

NFTE (pronounced “nifty”) provides entrepreneurship training and education programs to students from underprivileged communities. The programs include summer camps and a curriculum designed for classroom use.

Hamlett first had the idea for Heated Hoodies several years ago when she was watching television commercials with her friends. She returned to the idea during a project for her business essentials class, which teaches the NFTE curriculum. Hamlett envisions a line of hoodies outfitted with thin vests that act as safe, controllable heating units. Wearers would be able to adjust the temperature inside their hoodies to suit their immediate environments.

With Halloween's coming soon, you maybe thinking what kind of costume you would wearing on that day. Why not try to design such a hoddy that you can add image you like and create a unique one for yourself. With Snapmade custom hoodies, you can have a great Halloween costume without too much work. They have a variety of styles. Some of the hoodies can be zipped over the face to complete the costume; mesh panels over the eyes and mouth allow you to still see and breathe. These aren’t those cheap, disposable costumes; you’ll be able to wear these long after Halloween. There are hoodies for men and women.

Check out the custom hoodies at Snapmade.com before it’s too late to get them in time for Halloween.

