
Buy a New iPhone or Not

The new Apple iPhone 6, which has a 4.7-inch screen and is about a finger-width taller than the older iPhone 5S, is a good choice for business users. The bigger iPhone 6 Plus is a bit more of an "entertainment" phone, with a 5.5-inch screen that's more ideal for watching movies (it tends to last longer due to a bigger battery). Yet both phones are facing even stiffer competition than the iPhone 5S did a year ago. It's more important than ever to know what you are missing for business features on Android and Windows smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy Alpha and the Nokia Lumia 635.

Which smartphone would you bring to a deserted island? That's a good question to ask when it comes to the new crop of high-end devices, especially if the island is not that deserted and has a coffee shop, an airport, and maybe a place to make a few phone calls.

The most important new business feature is called Apple Pay, and you may have already heard too much about this upstart payment method. On a business trip, you'll be able to take out your phone, hold the device onto a terminal, touch the fingerprint reader, and pay for a sandwich or your hotel bill. The iPhone 5S already had a fingerprint reader, but the iPhone 6 has a new NFC (near-field communication) transmitter that passes credit card data with a tap. The feature has been around for a while on Android phones but hasn't really taken over the retail world.

It's hard to say at this point if Apple Pay will add value to the iPhone 6 for business use, because it's not quite available yet. There's no way to know if it will work reliably, securely, or in a user-friendly way, and no way to know if it will be widely adopted.

If you are interested in custom iPhone 6 cases, come to SNAPMADE. Design them by yourselves.

