
Friendship Necklaces for You

Sure, you have a best friend today, but back in ’90s and early 2000s, best friends were a lifestyle. When you weren’t busy having weird secret sexual feelings for Disney Channel actors or carefully writing Blink-182 lyrics on your backpack in Whiteout pen, you were hanging out with your BFF: making up dance routines, pledging eternal devotion to each other, and coating any item within grabbing distance with glitter glue. It was, in a word, “fetch.”

But even all those fun after-school afternoons created a dilemma: what was the best way to share the glory of your friendship with the world at large? How could you easily convey that you were super special to each other when you were together? How could you prove that you actually had a best friend when you were apart? Thankfully, in the ’90s, a world of best friend gear arrived to solve all your friendship-related fashion woes.

After woven friendship necklaces became popular in the ’80s. The friendship bracelet instantly told onlookers that you had a friend who liked you enough to spend a whole afternoon and about 40 yards of embroidery thread on you. The day that friendship bracelet finally fell off was a tragedy — although it was also a cause for celebration, because it meant whatever wish you’d made when you tied it on would now come true.

So in order to express the depths of your friendship, come to Snapmade.com and design custom necklaces.

