
DIY A Sun Hat

Have you ever find yourself stranded out on a hot sunny day without a sun hat? I figured we need a DIY to cool down. This fun sun hat is perfect for lazy summer days by the pool or beach and its so easy!Here is a quick step-by-step tutorial to update your sun hat.

 Materials you need to prepare:

 1 wide-brim, straw sun hat
 1 spool of 1.5-inch ribbon
 1 spool of black strung sequins
 1 hot glue gun and 2 sticks of glue (You can choose what you're comfortable with,but I have to mention that a hot glue gun may be the easiest and fastest one to get teh job finished.)


 Start with your ribbon of choice and glue an end to the band of the hat.

 Dab small amounts of hot glue one inch apart and apply the ribbon as you go (Tips: the glue dries so fast so you’ll need to work quickly!).

Continue gluing your ribbon around the band until you’ve reached the other end.

 Fold the other end so you have a clean edge. Glue in place. (Another way to get a clean edge is to hold the end to a flame and the plastic should melt just enough so you don’t have frayed edges.)

 Moving to the sequin ribbon, your best application technique is to spell out what you want to say first so you know how much ribbon you’re going to use.

 For best results, glue each word with your hot glue gun first, then apply the sequin ribbon as you go.

 Don't worry about it looking perfect– that’s what I love most about mine!

 Easy peasey!Right? It will definitely increase your interest to go outdoors! Let me know if you attempt it! I would love to see your personalized sun hat!

