
DIY Marble Cell Case

To be honest, I'm deep in love with the things decorated in marble, it is such a beautiful sense of elegance. Personally, I would love to add marble everywhere in my life, from my home to my tech accessories. If you feel the same, here’s how to start it off, I wondered that why not Diy a personalized marble phonecase by myself, it would be great and then I started to do it. I have to say that after I obtained my own phonecase, I was very satisfied.


 – marble print contact paper

 – craft knife – metal ruler with cork back

 – pen – clear cell phone case


1. Place your cell phone case on top of the backside of the contact paper. Trace around it.

2. Cut out the cell phone shape using your craft knife. Use the metal ruler for the straight edges. Be sure to find a metal ruler with a cork back to be safe (the ruler should not slide around as you are slicing).

3. Peel off the backing of the contact paper. Then, carefully place the sticky side of the cut contact paper onto the cell phone case. Press well to prevent air bubbles. 

After you finish it, you may find it is very easy to Diy a marble phonecase. What you need to do is to prepare materials and then do it yourself. Just in a few minutes, you will get  personalized marble phonecases. What's more, DIY is economical and environmental-friendly.

