

Do you want to make a personalized pizza pillow as big or as little as you like based on your room.Do you want to own one that when you are tired,you can rely on.Today I wanna share a new case with you.Let's get staretd.

–sewing machine
-tan duck cloth (1/2 yard should be plenty)
-white felt (1/4 yard)
-pink felt (small sheet would be enough)
-gold vinyl or leather
-plush stuffing -tan thread -fabric glue
-straight pins -fabric scissors


First you’ll fold over your tan fabric and cut a large pizza triangle shape (make sure you leave about ½” around the edges for seam allowance). Round the edges of your triangle as you cut the shape with fabric scissors. Measure the circumference of your triangle and cut a 2” wide strip of tan fabric a few inches longer than the circumference (this will be the sides of your pizza). 

Use the gold leather and white and pink felt to cut out shapes for the cheese, a crust, and heart shaped pepperonis for your pizza. Use the fabric glue to attach the cutouts onto the front triangle of your pizza plush, and then sew around each item with a corresponding thread color to secure.

Once all your shapes are secure, pin the long side strip of your pizza all the way around the top panel of your plush. You can either sew your side strip into a closed loop once you have it pinned and know the exact length the loop should be, or you can fabric glue it closed to save a step.

Sew all the way around the triangle with a ½” seam allowance.

Step5: Repeat the process of pinning the sides to the bottom triangle of the pizza but remember to keep a 2-3” opening when you sew the bottom piece so that you can turn your pizza right side out when finished.

After you’ve sewn all the way around, pull your pizza right side out through the opening you left, and stuff your pillow to the density you like (you can also iron all the seams flat first to make the edges a bit more crisp). Once your pizza has taken shape, use a blind stitch to close up the opening, and your pizza is done!

If you are a pizza lover, this will absolutely make your heart so happy.And you will be fond of the little details of the gold crust and heart-shaped pepperonis.

