
Off the Shoulder T-Shirt

This T-Shirt makes me smile every time I see it because it is really eye-catching and awesome. To be honest, it is not a super easy 5 minutes shirt, but it was not the hardest either.

As long as you have a sewing machine and an hour, you could most definitely make this.

  • Tools: 
  • Tee-Shirt 
  • Scrap piece of T-Shirt in a contrasting color, or just a scrap piece of material to cover the heart you make. 
  • Sewing Machine 
  • Scissors 
  • Straight Pins 


 1. First cut your collar off to make your shirt an off the shoulder shirt, I cut right around the edge of the collar.If you want to keep the collar, then leave it alone.

 2. Draw a heart on your shirt with chalk.You could trace one on paper or print a heart off the internet if you don't want to draw it free hand.

 3. Inside your heart, draw lines 3/4 of an inch apart, carefully cut the lines inside the heart.

 4. Turn your shirt inside out and place your scrap piece of material over the heart and pin it.

 5. Turn it back right side out and sew around the edge of the heart.

 6. Now sew each one of the grey stripes down the middle, this will anchor the heart so it keeps its shape

 7. Turn your shirt inside out again and trim the excess material around the heart and trim any leftover thread. And then, we have finished it.

 Hope you enjoy your personalized T-Shirt!

