

Nowadays, lace has become very popular and the thrift stores are full of lace curtains right now. Therefore,today I would like to use lace to diy a simple pillowcase. I can tell you for sure that it is very easy to make.

 What you need

 – fabric
– needle and thread
– pillow
– lace curtain
– straight pins
– sewing machine
– scissors

 How to make it

  • Cut out two pieces of the fabric in the size you want the pillow to be. 

  • Now place the lace curtain over it on one side and decide on the best placing. 

  • Now cut the lace curtain and pin to one piece of the fabric. Finish the raw edges of the fabric with a zig-zag stitch. This way you will secure the lace curtain and prevent the fabric from fraying. 

  • Place both pieces of fabric together with the right sides of the fabric facing each other. Sew all the way around the fabric but leave 10 cm open. 

  • Turn the fabric right side out and fill the pillow cover with the pillow. Sew the gap closed with the needle and thread. 

 Hope you like your personalized pillowcase!

