
How to Hang Your Christmas Lights Correctly

It's better to hang Christmas lights vertically, instead of wrapped around your tree in circles. This way every tip of your tree, from branch to branch, will twinkle with delight. Plus, it'll prevent lights from getting stuck in the middle of your tree, covered by other branches.

Starting at the top with the end of your strand that doesn't have a plug, then let your lights hang to the bottom of your tree. Pull your lights to the right three or four inches, then proceed to work your way up the tree. Repeat this process until your entire tree is covered. To make sure the center sparkles too, hang your shiniest ornaments deeper inside the tree and the light will reflect off of them.

Another added bonus is when you dismantle your tree and take off the lights, it'll be easier and less messy to remove strands from the exterior of the tree — rather than fighting a stubborn almost dried branch.

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