
DIY Pillowcase


- 27″ x 42/44″ piece of fabric for the body of the pillowcase
- 10″ x 42/44″ piece of fabric for the cuff of the pillowcase
- 2.5″ x 42/44″ piece of fabric for the for the band of the pillowcase

1. The first thing you want to do is fold the band fabric in half lengthwise (the 42 or 44″ side) with wrong sides together and press with an iron, then set aside.

2.Place the fabrics one on top of the other in this order with the right sides up: Bottom Cuff on the bottom, the Body fabric in the middle, and the Band fabric on the top all with their long (42/44″ inch side) raw edges together.

3. Next, roll of the Body fabric until it is about an inch from the folded edge of the Band fabric. It should be rolled about halfway into the Cuff fabric underneath at this point.

4. Fold the Cuff fabric over top the like you are making a taco, so the right sides will be facing into the center. Make sure the raw edges are all lined up together and pin them all in place to keep them there. Sew down the raw edges using a 1/4 inch seam allowance.

5. Pull the inside fabrics outside. It will seem like an odd thing to do but it totally works! It’s a fun little magic trick that make a neat little Cuff and Band for the pillowcase!

6. Press the pillowcase and fold it in half so that the Cuff, Band and Body fabrics are laying wrong sides together, with right sides of the pillowcase out. Then fold the pillowcase in half again bringing the bottom of the pillowcase up to the top (note: you can just square off the raw edges without this last step but if you fold the pillowcase up it takes less space on your rotary mat!) Then grab a ruler and square off the raw edges of the fabric so you have a nice clean edge on the side and bottom to sew together.

7. Starting at the top of the Cuff, sew down the side of the pillowcase and along the bottom using a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Clip the bottom two corners carefully and then turn the pillowcase wrong side out making sure to push out each corner. Sew down the edge and bottom of the pillowcase again starting at the Cuff. Use a 1/2 seam allowance this time making sure to enclose the last seam you just made. This finished seam is called a French Seam and when you flip your pillowcase right side out and press it you will have a lovely pillowcase with a nice and neat hidden seam inside!

DONE! This is the custom pillowcase. I hope this tutorial inspires you to do a little selfish sewing too!

