
DIY Pillow Case

The custom pillow case are very easy to make. Here is how you can make:

1. Washing and ironing your fabric.

2. Once you have your fabric washed and ironed, you can start measuring and cutting. For the width, add 1” to the width of your pillow, and for the length, multiply the length of your pillow by 2 and then add another 6” (because this is the part that will overlap).

3. On the short sides, turn your edge over .5” and iron. Then, turn it over another .5” and iron. Then, sew the seam along the edge. Do the same thing to the other short side.

4. Once your short sides are hemmed, lay your fabric on the table right side up. Take your pillow form, place it in the middle of your fabric, and fold your fabric over your pillow.

5. Make sure the fabric is lined up on either side and fits snug around the pillow. Then, pin the two flaps of fabric together on either side.

6. At this point, you can slide the pillow out of the fabric. Once your pillow is removed, pin both sides of the fabric together along the sides.

7. Once your sides are pinned, its time to sew! Just sew in a straight line along the edges you have pinned. After you’ve sewn both sides, turn your pillowcase right side out through the open flap you have in the middle.

OK. That's it!

