
How to Make a Painted Heart Bag


- one of the three canvas tote bags found in the pack.
- freezer paper
- puffy paint in red pink and white
- one pencil with a full eraser
- paper plate to mix paint
- iron


1. Cut out a 2 pieces of freezer paper (shiny face down) around the size of the bag front.

2. Place one inside the bag to catch any paint bleeding. the second paper you need to fold it in half with the shiny side inside, and draw half of a heart.

3. Cut out heart, open the freezer paper, and shiny side down, iron until it adheres itself to the bag front.

4. Place some paint on your paper plate and dip the eraser of the pencil down into the red paint so that the tip is covered in paint.

5. Proceed to dab and re-apply paint and dab paint. do this for about 1/3 of the way up.

6. Add a few random higher dots so it merges slowly into the next shade of pink. 

7. Wipe off excess red paint. and then proceed to start the process all over again with the pink paint (adding a few dots of the pink into the red dot section)

8. To create the light shade of pink i added some of the white paint and the pink paint together. Then i proceeded to continue all the way up to the finish the rest of the heart.

9. Let it sit a little to dry, then slowly pull off the freezer paper.

Done! That is your own custom tote bag.

