
Get Your Drink on the Right Way

Whether you’re looking to save a few bucks each month or just need more cash to funnel into your drinking habit, you probably keep an eye out for cheap booze when you’re out and about. There are millions of people just like you, which is why bars offer daily drink specials and liquor stores have sales on various types of products. This is also why some companies make booze that may have an appealing price tag, but not such an appealing taste. So what is the danger of counterfeit alcohol?

Essentially there are two types of counterfeit alcohol: The type that is made to at least resemble a half-drinkable product and the kind that is complete trash. While the first kind is really annoying and could make for a “well that sucks” kind of evening, it’s the latter that could really ruin your night or worse. 

While you have to be a pretty callous and awful human being to sell something to people that might hurt them , the main reason counterfeit alcohol exists is money. In case you will buy fake alcohol, only buy your alcohol from reputable distributors or the manufacturer itself. If you suspect you’ve purchased counterfeit alcohol, don’t drink it!

But, how to tell whether alcohol is fake or not? There are some tips you can follow. First,Double-check the product’s bottle make sure it’s packaged in the usual container. Also look at the bottle’s label to see if there are any irregularities in the brand’s logo, or if there’s any other issues like spelling mistakes or incorrect information. Also check to see that it’s been properly sealed. That’s a good rule to follow at all times. Then, of course, there’s the smell and taste. If the booze gives off a strong odd odor that smells like chemicals or fuel, then you don’t have to be a genius to realize it shouldn’t be ingested. If it tastes like something is very, very wrong with it, don’t drink it. In addition, if you noticed that the liquid is unusually layered or there’s sediment at the bottom, then that’s another solid indication you have a counterfeit product.

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